Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Sporadic Posting Update

As the clandestine mission of Ross and Spackle continues, posting will be unpredictable and erratic for several more days. In the mean time, please talk amongst yourselves. Subject areas can include the Democrat Clown Car Campaign, the media who are cheerleading for war with North Korea, or any other insanity you care to mention.


  1. The never ending drama: Sandy completely loses it with Border Patrol agents during tour of El Paso facility. Typical millennial behavior “It’s all about me.”

  2. @MOTUS You are correct. They would not allow her to carry her phone into the facility, which spoiled her plans to live stream disinformation to her low information supporters. Then, she reacts just like the spoiled child that she is, throwing a temper tantrum and claiming she felt threatened because all of the facility personnel had guns, and then accusing them all of wanting to have sex with her. Her lack of self awareness, and childish responses to anyone who calls her out on her lies and misconceptions, is a prime example of the illogical thinking that controls our media and education systems. Alex, it is all about me, donkey chompers will always play a 'victum' card when things do not go her way.

  3. Does Biff need bail money?

  4. No, thanks for asking, though. Biff is in not incarcerated (yet, at least).

    Connectivity is so poor where we are that it has taken a couple of days to connect a latop to the Internet.
