Thursday, August 15, 2019

Larwyn's Linx: Google Whistleblower: ‘Something Dark and Nefarious is Going on with the Company’

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Trump Hat 2020 Keep America Great Camo MAGA Hat
Google Whistleblower: ‘Something Dark and Nefarious is Going On’ Here: Debra Heine
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Statue of Liberty poem means opposite of what welfare state Dems think: Daniel Horowitz
FBI upset over conspiracy theories? Hahaha, hypocrites: Don Surber
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Why Isn’t AOC Taking Blame For Violent Attacks On ICE?: I&I
Israel Bans Omar and Tlaib From Entering the Country Over BDS Support: Kira Davis
Why I've become a bit disillusioned with the Democrats: Matt Stoller

Scandal Central

Levin: Democrats are ‘threatening the Supreme Court’ to toe the line on gun control: CR
Epstein’s Autopsy Finds Multiple Broken Bones In Neck; Raises Questions: RS
Bubonic Plague May Join Homelessness, Rats on List of Crises in Los Angeles: Alice Salles
Daily Mail: Ghislaine Maxwell is alive and lying low — in the U.S.?: Hot Air
New Indictments Expected in Wake of Epstein’s Death, Lawyers Say: Bowen Xiao
Report: Jeffrey Epstein's Guards Fell Asleep, Forged Records: Joshua Caplan

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My Dad's Cancer Fund: Garry Hamilton


Epstein had bizarre painting of Bill Clinton in dress, heels in townhouse: Post
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Video shows bodyguard of CNN's April Ryan allegedly roughing up journalist: Julio Rosas


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Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Milky Way’s Black Hole Just Flared, Growing 75 Times as Bright for a Few Hours: Evan Gough
Hungary Announces Investigation into Social Media Censorship in Europe : Chris Tomlinson
Google search likely stoked fear China hacked Hillary Clinton's private email server: Exam


Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!: MOTUS
'She jumped in the fray like an idiot': Barstool Sports founder hits back at AOC: Julio Rosas
Arkancide: GOC



  1. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Well, it was Fredo's New York City's County Lock-Up they put Epstein in. Must have been a pretty big Dago that entered that cell, especially hearing that Jeff's bodyguard gave him basic skills.
    Suicide/Hit watches for all involved including the Medical Examiner.
    Whose Country is this anyway? Seriously.

  2. Fox News Video - Rudy Giuliani on Epstein's 'mind-boggling' death: It's impossible

  3. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Tom Cruise and Simon Pegg may have a new movie:

    Here is a Complete List of Inconsistencies in Prison Policy Surrounding Jeffrey Epstein’s Death:

    ** Epstein said he was considering cooperating in “naming names” in his international sex ring
    ** He was found unconscious in his prison cell just three weeks earlier
    ** Two days prior to his death documents released for the first time implicated several top Democrats in his pedo sex ring
    ** He was taken off suicide watch after a failed attempt just two weeks earlier
    ** He was in isolation (unusual for a suicidal individual)
    ** The cameras malfunctioned — There is no video
    ** Even Mexico had video of El Chapo’s escape from prison
    ** Then later we hear the cameras showed the guards did not do rounds? Which is it?
    ** The prison guards had worked several extra shifts last week
    ** One prison guard on his floor was not even a certified guard
    ** The prison guards “forgot” to check on Epstein
    ** The prison guards slept through their shift
    ** The guards did not check Epstein for several hours
    ** There were reports of screaming the morning Epstein died
    ** The MCC had not seen a successful suicide in 40 years
    ** Epstein said he was the victim of attempted murder three weeks ago
    ** Epstein’s former roommate is facing mass murder charges
    ** Epstein had dirt on numerous globalist elites
    ** Epstein was not given paper sheets
    ** Epstein had sheets in his cell to hang himself
    ** Epstein was not suicidal according to medical professionals
    ** Epstein told his lawyers on Friday, a day before his death, “See you Sunday.”
    ** Epstein’s former roommate heard nothing
    ** Epstein reportedly had to get on his knees to hang himself from his bed
    ** Epstein autopsy showed broken bones in neck common in strangulation deaths
