Saturday, September 28, 2019

8 Things I Learned From Mark Levin This Week

The radio show of bestselling author Mark Levin -- available on terrestrial, satellite, Internet, and every other platform imaginable -- is must-listen material in our current political environment.

Each show is packed with critical insights, historical context and calls to action.

Here's a parcel of extremely important things I learnt while listening this week:
  1. The city of San Francisco, not the House of Representatives, is conducting an impeachment inquiry into President Trump. All other areas of the country are powerless. Pelosi has, in totalitarian fashion, launched this “impeachment” inquiry unilaterally, and without the consent of the House [Mark Levin]
  2. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) won’t hold a vote of the House on impeachment -- which happens to be the only way an impeachment process has ever begun -- because she knows she’s transforming impeachment into a political act, not a constitutional or legal one. She knows Democrats in swing districts will get destroyed at the ballot box in 2020 if they’re on record as voting for impeachment.
  3. The “Russian Dossier” was based on a Glenn Simpson article in the Wall Street Journal first published in 2007. [Dan Bongino]
  4. The “Russian Collusion” hoax was first test-driven by Democrats against John McCain in 2007 [Dan Bongino]
  5. After screeching about Russian interference for two years, Democrats are now trying to prevent the DOJ from investigating well-documented Ukrainian interference in the 2016 campaign
  6. Democrats have transformed Congress into an investigative and oppo research arm of their party, not a legislative one
  7. Joe Biden’s threats to withhold $1 billion from Ukraine unless they fired their prosecutors were indeed timed with the investigation of the $50,000 a month salary paid to his son Hunter Biden [John Solomon]
  8. The Senate, last I checked, is controlled by Republicans. You wouldn’t know it. Their silence and lack of action are appalling and politically self-destructive.

Finally, a caller to Mark’s show recommended flooding the Senate’s phone lines with demands:

  • Subpoena the rumor-monger, I mean “whistle-blower”
  • Subpoena his attorneys
  • Find out who wrote the “complaint”
  • Determine whether any Democrat members of the House or their staff collaborated or coordinated with crafting the Schiff Dossier complaint
Here is a directory of Senators' Phone Numbers. Call now. Be polite but firm. Here's something you might say if you agree:

We demand you pursue the investigation of the Ukraine/Russia hoax as diligently as the Democrats are investigating the President. Failure to do so will be require we destroy you politically. Not beat you. Obliterate you..

Click Here to Call Now.


  1. None of the links work...

  2. Anonymous8:52 AM

    This Link Works 👍👍👍👍

  3. VIDEO - DNC Town Hall - SNL

  4. Links fixed, thank you.
