Sunday, September 08, 2019

Larwyn's Linx: Democrats Intend to ‘Eliminate the Second Amendment’

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Justice on Trial: The Kavanaugh Confirmation and the Future of the Supreme Court, by Mollie Hemingway. Brilliant, with a 5.0 rating on Amazon!
The ‘Strategy of the Democratic Party Is to Eliminate the Second Amendment’: Jeff Poor
AG Barr demands end to nationwide injunctions by rogue judges: Daniel Chaitin
Why ‘Mandatory Buybacks’ Are A Non-Starter: Tom Knighton

That Dog Don’t Hunt Anymore: Biden Is the New Hillary: Joe Schaeffer
Obama Adviser David Axelrod: Biden ‘Serially’ Distorting His Own Record: Matt Margolis
CNN Democratic climate gabfest displays monumental energy ignorance: Larry Hamlin

The Turn Toward a Pre-9/11 Mindset: Andrew C. McCarthy
The Democratic impeachment investigation keeps expanding: Susan Ferrechio
Dear Mr. Security Agent: Matt Bracken

Report: Hillary Clinton Working Behind The Scenes With Elizabeth Warren: David Krayden
Video Depicts Exactly How Hollywood Tries To Bias People Against Guns: Hank Berrien
"I Am An Uppity Immigrant. Don’t Expect Me To Be ‘Grateful.’": Steve Sailer


Seattle Might Ban New Homes and Buildings From Using Natural Gas: Timothy Meads
State pension funds keep increasing risky investments—as pension debt mounts.: Steven Malanga
Black Unemployment Shatters Another Historic Low: Petr Svab

Scandal Central

Federal Judge Warns Govt. in Hillary Email Case: ‘No FOIA Exemption for Political Expedience’: Mark Tapscott
Robert Mueller helped Saudi Arabia cover up its role in 9/11 attacks: suit: Paul Sperry
MIT secretly pocketed millions in ‘anonymous’ donations connected to Jeffrey Epstein: Laura Italiano


Mark Levin: Media ignoring how 'Trumponomics' has led to 'truly incredible' job numbers: Charles Creitz
The Summer of Winning: 100% Fed Up
MIT Media Lab director resigns after emails detail financial relationship with Epstein: Tim Pearce

What Is The Point of CNN?: Andrew Stiles
Christians Massacred, Media Look the Other Way: Giulio Meotti
Eric Trump outs WaPo reporter seeking whistleblowers inside Trump Organization: Ben Feuerherd


Trump cancels secret Camp David peace talks with Taliban after deadly bombing in Kabul: Daniel Chaitin
Hey, lefties! Are you ready for, say, UK Lord High Chancellor Nigel Farage?: Monica Showalter
France should be confronting, not appeasing, Iranian regime: Dr. Majid Rafizadeh

Is China Trying to Elect a Democrat?: John Hinderaker
Hong Kong Protesters March to US Consulate, Call on Trump to ‘Liberate’ City: Epoch
The Remainer tyranny: Brendan O’Neill

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Tolerating Ourselves to Death with Google and China: Ned Ryun
Here's Why The DOJ Wants Tech Giants To Fork Over Gun Owners' Information: Beth Baumann
The US must prepare for a cyber ‘day after’: Samantha Ravich


'The Real Inglorious Bastards' were way more badass than the Quentin Tarantino film: Unscripted
Actuarial Tables Determine the Demise of Old Fossil Fuel: MOTUS
Whatever happened to nuking the weather?: Sondrakistan



  1. Anonymous1:40 PM

    At this point in history it is absurd to call the world's oil resources "fossil fuels". Dems ain't dinosaur bones Opie, dats a renewable resource.

  2. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Can we have 1st Amendment buybacks?

    We could start with WaPo and NYT....


  3. Life, Liberty and Levin 9/8/19 | Fox News Today September 8, 2019 - Google and the 2020 elections  

  4. Alan McIntire8:25 AM

    Not just the Second Amendment, but the whole Bill of Rights!

    Every Democrat in the Senate supports a bill restricting freedom of speech:

    In 2013 the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights, in conjunction with the Justice Department, sent the University of Montana a letter that became a national “blueprint” for tackling sexual harassment. The letter urged a crackdown on “unwelcome” speech and requires complaints to be heard in quasi-judicial procedures that deny legal representation, encourage punishment before trial, and convict based on a mere “more likely than not” standard. If DEMOCRATS had defended the rights of the accused, as specified in the 4th 5th, 6th, and 7th amendments to the constitution, I would have supported their stand. INSTEAD, it was President Trump's Cabinet Secretary De Vos who rescinded in September 2017 the unconstitutional Obama-era guidelines for colleges on how to deal with campus sexual assault investigations.

    The only item it the Bill of Rights they DO support is the Third Amendment- no quartering of troops- now a moot issue.
