Friday, September 20, 2019

Larwyn's Linx: McCabe Defense Just as Dumb As You’d Expect

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Justice on Trial: The Kavanaugh Confirmation and the Future of the Supreme Court, by Mollie Hemingway. Brilliant, with a 5.0 rating on Amazon!
McCabe Defense Just as Dumb As You’d Expect: Ed Morrissey
Andrew McCabe Suggests DOJ Inspector General Should Be Replaced: Chuck Ross
Thoughts on Civil War: The Z Man

Trump Responds to “Deep State” Intel Leak – Another Pre-Planned Lawfare Effort: CTH
Spy whistleblower complaint about Trump relates to Ukraine: Daniel Chaitin
Whistleblower Complaint a Democrat Effort to Protect Joe Biden from Investigation: CTH

2020 Democrat: Climate Change May Require Elimination of Car Ownership: Graham Piro
Why Soft-on-Crime Democrats Are Tough on ‘Gun Violence’: Christopher Roach
Biden slams ‘stupid’ rivals for strategy of let's ‘pick on Barack a bit’: Emily Larsen

Sharpton bristles at Gaetz confrontation in chaotic House hearing: John Gage
Rep. Gaetz Publicly Exposes Al Sharpton’s Lifetime of Racism, Bigotry and Prejudice: CTH
Warren gets caught in Senate primary crossfire: Politico


Dear San Francisco: Power Line
Trump warns SF with EPA violations as homeless dump needles in ocean: DailyMail
Levin: Decades of failed 'eco-predictions' more about politics than climate: Charles Creitz

Scandal Central

Stand by your sham: Omar’s squeeze play: Scott Johnson
ISIS aircraft mechanic caught trying to disable same system that brought down two other 737s?: Monica Showalter
Federal Judge Blocks California Law Trying to Force POTUS to Release Tax Returns: CTH


How to Bend the News, AR-15 Edition: Charles C.W. Cooke
Colt to end production of AR-15 rifles for personal use: Rachel Frazin
Lewandowski fires off after grueling 5-hour House testimony: Fox News

Trump Won't Win - The Night that Trump Changed the World: Trump Nation
The Trayvon Martin Hoax Comes Crashing Down: Karl Notturno
Why Trump Will Trounce Biden or Warren: David Catron


Levin to ‘Clown’ Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: ‘Your Propaganda on Behalf of Syria & Iran Is Disgraceful’: CNS
Pillsbury Warns Beijing: Could Get Worse: “tariffs could go to 50 percent or 100 percent”: CTH
USMCA Update – Kudlow Discusses Pelosi Playing Politics With Trade Ratification: CTH

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

35 ‘Astronomy Photographer Of The Year 2019’ Finalists Who Took Amazing Amounts Of Planning: Bored Panda
Trump and Zuckerberg hold 'constructive meeting' about internet regulation: John Gage
I Shoot Fake Miniature Scenes with the Real Milky Way: Samy Olabi


A Musical Interlude: MOTUS
The Dems Schiffted The Rules: Earl of Taint
IQ == Infinity: Reddit



  1. Anonymous3:27 PM

    With "Halal Certified" being such a big deal to Muslims (letting animals bleed out without stunning) I would like to see Dentists and Doctors refuse to numb up Muslims before procedures. Let them prove their faith by getting caps, root canals, and other surgeries without due process. That is, I believe, something Mohammed would approve of.

  2. The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud That Divided America (Film Trailer)

  3. Dear Sid,

    It would be a darn shame if some weird Deep State leak took out Joe Biden and I had to come out of retirement to save the Party, huh?

    Oh, who am I kidding? That would never happen.

    Would it?

