Saturday, November 02, 2019

NOT "HILARIOUS": Joe Biden Needs an Intervention

Not good, I don't care what party affiliation you hold.

Hat tip: BadBlue Uncensored News: your 24-7-365 Drudge replacement!


  1. Checkers6:59 PM

    Hi,, as a physician of over 30 years I can say that observing Joe Biden in the past weeks on available videos it appears he is ill or has Alzheimer like pathology. For us on the right to make fun of him is cruel and we should stop doing so. We should rightly point out though, the obvious pathology that is evident. I hope someone in the Democrat leadership has the good sense to get him to bow out quickly.

  2. Thank you, and I agree 100%. I am sickened by this show.

  3. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Yes because the way the left treats any and all conservatives is above board and oozing integrity and kindness. This being, I refuse to call him a man, has been self serving his entire career of almost 50 years. Seems to me karma done caught up and I personally hope it has more for his ass. I feel more compassion for a flat squirrel in the street.

  4. I come from a family where seven of my Aunts died from Alzheimer's, it's no joke. Wait until Joe Biden gets angry publicly with someone or something - it's going to happen, and it will be awful. What truly amazes me is that his wife, Jill Biden, is the one who seems to be running the show. What's the matter with these people? Are they just that power hungry?

  5. He is evil and anything that breaks him is just. Grab a fresh pair of panties and grow up. We are going to have to murder entire families soon to rid us of the filth. Steel yourselves or be tossed in a hole along with them.

  6. Thank you for publishing a very informative post. Every post of yours is very awesome,

  7. Babies are murdered daily by being snipped apart or crushed while still in the womb. This man is partially responsible. Maybe we're seeing the final hours of a latter day Ahab.

  8. Anonymous11:38 AM

    'The 30 year old Physician' doth believe in half-measures too much. Let me correct that post:
    "I hope someone in the Democrat leadership has the good sense to grab him by the ankles and drop him over the bow quickly."
    Buh Bye Joe, Youth in Asia isn't a trade agreement.

  9. Anonymous12:07 PM

    democrats are not decent people. period. and power is all they crave or believe in.
