Thursday, March 12, 2020

A Helpful Timeline on U.S. #Coronavirus Response

Maybe this list will help Marxists, progressives and other anti-American Democrats understand what President Trump was doing while the entire Democrat Congressional body was focused on... impeachment.

Democrats are a party focused on putting ideology above country. Every. single. time.       Hat tip: BadBlue Uncensored News.


  1. Anonymous7:49 PM

    I have another Biff Spackle request.

    DNC nominee Hillary announces her VP choice will be Covid-19.

    About the untimely deaths of the other DNC candidates -- Hillary said, "They were both old white men. I am sure that my VP pick Covie-wovie had nothing to do with it. You don't want to start rumors..... Do You......"


  2. VIDEO - Media Says 'Chinese Coronavirus' Term Is Xenophobic- Is That Why They've Used It?

  3. EXCELLENT! Another very useful Doug Ross resource! Have passed this along.

  4. PowerWordKek1:02 AM

    Biden thinks he is going to school GEOTUSTrump on how to handle the Wuhan Chicken Flu?

    Joe and Barry couldn't even build a website.
