Monday, March 02, 2020

Larwyn’s Linx: Coronavirus: When All Else Fails, Try Reason

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Molon Labe Silver Design T-Shirt
Coronavirus: When All Else Fails, Try Reason: Clarice Feldman
Obama Holdover in State Dept. Helped Trigger U.S. Coronavirus Outbreak: Daniel Greenfield
The Democratic Presidential Clown Car Update for March 2, 2020: BattleSwarm

Marco Rubio Discusses The Danger of China Against Backdrop of Coronavirus: CTH
14 times Democrats and media politicized virus: Paul Bedard
Sunday Talks: HHS Secretary Azar -vs- Chris Wallace: CTH

I feel your pain, moderate Democrats. Bernie Sanders has hijacked your party: Jon Gabriel
Florida residents sue to keep Sanders off Democratic primary ballot: Justine Coleman
Rumors of Bloomberg considering a far-far-left former candidate for VP: M. Dowling

Bernie Sanders's war on charities: Howard Husock
Alfred E. Newman Suspends His Campaign: Emily Larsen & Joseph Simonson
Bloomberg: 'I am Going to Stay Right to the Bitter End': Jeffrey Rodack


That Went Well: Just One Minute
There are Trillions at Stake: CTH
Steve Bannon Discusses Coronavirus as Economic Contagion; The Prescience of The Trump Doctrine: CTH

Scandal Central

Surveillance fight pits Trump allies against each other: Jordain Carney
Joe Biden under probe in Ukraine for alleged link to top prosecutor’s 2016 ouster: report: Dom Calicchio
State Dept. Bureaucrat Ignored President’s Orders, Allowed Americans with Virus to Enter US: Steven Ahle

As it built an armored truck empire, GardaWorld took dangerous shortcuts: Bethany Barnes
Pornhub Verified Child Sex Trafficking: Ian Miles Cheong
Antisemitism, Terror-Support and Threats of Violence & Genocide at Anti-AIPAC Rally: David Lange


Embarrassing Festival Of Never Trump Losers Occurs For Some Reason: Kurt Schlichter
Six Months After H1N1 Became a Pandemic and 1,000 U.S. Deaths, Obama Finally Declared Health Emergency: RS
Hunter Biden Has a New Profession and The New York Times Is Ready: RS

The State of the Race: Steven Hayward
Covington Catholic teenager to file new lawsuits against New York Times and four other outlets: Madison Dibble
Sunday Drama: HHS Secretary Azar -vs- Hair On Fire Margaret Brennan: CTH


Uyghurs for sale: ASPI
Chinese research vessel tracked in waters near Christmas Island off Western Australia: Andrew Greene
China’s ruling elite stumbles into a ‘disaster’: Gordon Watts

Turkey strikes Syrian planes and airports, escalating Idlib fight: Reuters
Iran and Hezbollah warn Turkey: all your forces are in our line of fire: RN
North Korea fires two 'unidentified projectiles' into the sea: DailyMail

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Bill Gates warns: Coronavirus could be a 'once-in-a-century pathogen': John Gage
Billionaire Republican buys major Twitter stake, may oust CEO amid GOP concerns of bias, reports say: Fox
FDA clears Israeli robotic standing wheelchair for US sales: TOI


A Feather in his Crap: Stilton’s Place
AOC Reads Entire Green New Diarrhea Resolution While House Is Out To Lunch: Earl of Taint
Mike Trout hits golf ball impossibly far at Topgolf event: Jace Evans



  1. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Supreme Governor Jay Inslee has arranged for the purchase of a property with a motel on it for the Coronavirus afflicted. Appropriately they are calling it "The Roach Motel".
    I am looking forward to Inslee's upcoming innovations, these include charging Virus carriers with Felonies for transmitting a life ending disease if they sneeze, spit, hug, or kiss a VFP (Viral Free Person). Similar restrictions are well known in the HIV Community.
    People are falling over like flies in Washington because so much of its plane traffic comes from China, and everyone is looking forward to warmer weather.

  2. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Evergreen Health workers in Washington were recently on strike pandering to the public about low pay.
    Is there a connection between these sidewalk rangers and the virus now in their place of employment?
