Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Larwyn’s Linx: Trump administration hits back after China kicks out US journalists amid pandemic

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Clorox Disinfecting Wipes and Disinfecting Wipes with Micro-Scrubbers, 3 Pack
Trump administration hits back after China kicks out US journalists amid pandemic: Fox
De Blasio says NYC added 279 coronavirus cases in one day: Madison Dibble
Thunderdome: Philly Police Will Not Arrest for Burglary or Theft Due to Virus: CTH

China's Coronavirus Infects 18 Elderly in Illinois Nursing Home: Neil Munro
US Death Toll From Coronavirus Reaches 100: Chuck Ross
Coronavirus: Stores Will Restock; Opportunity in Food Delivery: Joel B. Pollak

Biden takes more big states, and Sanders refuses to quit: Naomi Lim
Left’s Pet Issues Like Mass Transit, Reusable Bags Prove Deadly : John Nolte
5 Big Government, America-Destroying Schemes Democrats Proposing During Crisis: Larry O'Connor


Hospitality industry warns millions will be laid off in days, not weeks: Nihal Krishan
Retail Supply Chain Inverts: Formerly Efficient Operations Now Least Effective, Small Markets Best Supplied: CTH
White House Trade/Manufacturing Adviser Peter Navarro Discusses COVID-19 Supply Chain Initiatives: CTH

Scandal Central

The Impeachment That Killed Americans: Jeffrey Lord
U.S. continues refugee resettlement from 23 countries with coronavirus: John Binder
Ep 602 | Congress’ Coronavirus Response Is Governing at its Worst: Daniel Horowitz


NBC Blue Checkmark: I'm an Expert in Homicide… and Donald Trump Should be Prosecuted for Murder: Ace
Hollywood Scrambles As It Loses Millions (Billions?) to Coronavirus, and I Just Can't Stop Laughing: Ace
Mediaite Joins the Fake News Frenzy: Hannity


Coronavirus: Germany latest country to close borders: BBC
COVID-19: the unwarranted panic?: Behind the Black
Italy: Migrants in Naples Ignore Coronavirus Quarantine: Summit

Coronavirus Comes for Europe: Guy Millière
10 Positive Updates on the COVID-19 Outbreaks From Around the World: McKinley Corbley
Because of the Coronavirus, Borders Suddenly Matter: Michael Cutler

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

New coronavirus stable for hours on surfaces: NIH
Barr: 'Severe' consequences if foreign government behind HHS cyberattack during coronavirus outbreak: Jerry Dunleavy
86% of people with coronavirus are walking around undetected, study says: Jackie Salo


Detect, Deter and Annihilate: How the Police State Will Deal with a Coronavirus Outbreak: John W. Whitehead
Open Thread 1005E 17MAR2020: WRSA
Green and Beer It: Stilton’s Place



  1. Trialdog11:59 AM

    It's so weird.
    The democrats have been openly hoping for a recession and stock market collapse for a couple years. They view this as the best way to defeat President Trump in the next election. A virus is plaguing the country so President Trump and his team came up with an economic relief and stimulus package designed to head off recession and stock market collapse. But for some unknown reason Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell aren't getting it done and the stock market is collapsing.
    It's so weird that this is happening. (sarcasm)

  2. NOt China virus, but CCP.

  3. Anonymous12:59 PM

    As the days get darker and the noise of the world is silenced you will hear ringing. "This is Google about your listing; this is Marriott because you need a hotel room; this is Cruise Line because you need a cruise; this is Social Security because we care about fraud; this is the local Sheriff's because we need money".
    Xi will hear it too. "Hello Zi-man, I've called to give you the DT's, we don't owe you money anymore". Click.
