Sunday, March 15, 2020

Larwyn’s Linx: Trump's Ultrasonic Whistle Exposes Vermin Infestation

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Patriot Apparel Molon Labe Silver Design T-Shirt
Trump's Ultrasonic Whistle Exposes Vermin Infestation: Clarice Feldman
I am in Italy amid the coronavirus crisis. America must act now—and act big: New Gingrich
Biden's Coronavirus Advisor Told the Elderly to Avoid Flu Shots, Vaccines: Tyler O’Neil

Biden Taps Coronavirus 'Expert' Who Thinks 75 is the Perfect Age To Die: Bronson Stocking
McConnell: Senate eager to help on coronavirus, but Pelosi's bill is a 'rough draft': JTN
Surgeon General tells media to stop 'finger-pointing' at virus response: Jessie Hellmann

Empty Shelves? – Understanding Supply Chains, Logistics, and Recovery Efforts: CTH
Compared to what?: Heather Mac Donald
So Who Really Thinks Covid-19 Isn’t A Weaponized Virus?: Herschel Smith

President Trump Proclaims Sunday March 15th A National Day of Prayer: CTH
Remembering the 1957 Asian flu pandemic: Clark Whelton
Limbaugh: Remember Swine Flu? 60 Million Americans Infected, 300,000 Hospitalized: RCP


Consumer Confidence Holding Up Better Than Expected : John Carney
Whole Foods says employees should consider donating paid vacation days during coronavirus: Anthony Leonardi
Canada Ratifies USMCA Trade Agreement: CTH

Scandal Central

Hillary Clinton asks appeals court to overturn order for deposition about email server and Benghazi: Jerry Dunleavy
Slow Joe Getting Slow: Power Line
Sanctuary Montgomery County: Police interrupt illegal alien rape in progress: CR


1st-Time Gun Ownership Reportedly Spikes as Anti-Gunners Realize 2nd Amendment Freedom Is Vital: WJ
The man who loved North Korea too much: Andrew Salmon
We’re Paying The Price For The Death Of Journalism: Derek Hunter


Globalization May Be the Greatest Victim of the Coronavirus: Richard Fernandez
Coronavirus: Xi says the tide has turned, but people deserve the truth about China’s response: Wang Xiangwei
US Fighters Catch Russian Spy Planes Near Alaska for 2nd Time in Days: Hope Hodge Seck

Spain set to announce lockdown as coronavirus cases spike; planes turned around midair: Lucia I. Suarez Sang
Italy, With Aging Population, Has World’s Highest Daily Deaths From Virus: Margherita Stancati
Coronavirus: Doctors forced into life-or-death decisions as patients swamp hospitals: The Times

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Coronavirus is most contagious before and during the first week of symptoms: Tina Hesman Saey
Can Science Lead to Dumb Panic?: Debra J. Saunders
Trump says he’s considering restrictions on domestic travel from coronavirus hotspots: Alan Boyle


And Now A Message From the Mirror Of The United States: MOTUS
CNN's Ratings Collapse As Coronavirus Fears Empty American Airports: Bee



  1. Sanctuary Montgomery County: Police interrupt illegal alien rape in progress

    Were the officers charged?

  2. Anonymous6:41 PM

    The Administration needs to implement the Adam Corollavirus Tour through China as this plague ends. It will be China's last chance to have a few laughs before the weight of world opinion and buying habits hits them. If they want to sell anything at all they'll have to mis-mark it as made in Australia, or Croatia.

  3. BIDEN VS. BERNIE DEBATE LIVESTREAM! | Louder with Crowder
