Monday, April 06, 2020

Larwyn’s Linx: Adam Schiff’s Dereliction of Duty Regarding Communist China

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Trump 2020 American Flag Vintage T-Shirt
Adam Schiff’s Dereliction of Duty Regarding Communist China: Roger L. Simon
Wuhan Flu: “This is a completely new disease”: SDA
'Light at the end of the tunnel': Trump says US near 'peak' of pandemic: Tim Pearce

Surgeon General: This Week Will Be 'Our Pearl Harbor' Moment: Rick Moran
Discharges Outpace Hospitalizations in New York for 4th Straight Day: Ivan Pentchoukov
Trump details mass shipments of medical supplies going to Virus hot spots: Caitlin Yilek

Why is California unable to complete Covid-19 testing?: Phillip Sprincin
NY Ministry of Compliance Begins Using Drones to Monitor Citizen Compliance: CTH
Pentagon deploys doctors, prepares to treat COVID patients: Exam

Democratic Presidential Clown Car Update for April 6, 2020: BattleSwarm
Coronavirus: The Wrong Numbers: R.S. McCain
America’s COVID-19 Recipe: One Part Doom to Two Parts Gloom: John Klar


SF: Sheltering homeless people in luxury hotels is likely to create new problems.: Erica Sandberg
PPE Shortage Forecast in Food Manufacturing – Additionally, Wal-Mart Limits Shoppers: CTH
China’s wild and woolly medical equipment heist: Alan Boyd

Scandal Central

Fired intelligence watchdog suggests removal connected to his handling of whistleblower complaint: Exam
Laughable and Political – Former ICIG Michael Atkinson Releases Ridiculous Political “Statement”: CTH
Democrat Kentucky Governor Vetoes Mandatory Voter ID for 2020 Election: John Binder


What the Media Didn't Tell You About the Woman Who Gave Her Husband Fish Tank Cleaner: Matt Margolis
ChiComs Demand Aussie Journalist Tim Blair Apologize; Blair Shoves A Fork In Their Eye: BattleSwarm
Constitutional law professor slams CNN's Jim Acosta as source of 'press pandemic': Andrew Mark Miller

U.K. Queen Elizabeth Speaks to Nation as Prime Minister Boris Johnson is Admitted to Hospital: CTH
‘Considerable evidence COVID infections have peaked in U.S.’: Twitchy
Sunday Talks – Steve Bannon Discusses His Thoughts to “Crush” Coronavirus: CTH


How China spread the Coronavirus to the US: PrairiePundit
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson Admitted To Hospital Over Coronavirus: Ryan Saavedra
Coronavirus: China’s first confirmed Covid-19 case traced back to November 17: SCMP

As Rest of World Deals With COVID-19 Pandemic, China Ups Ante in South China Sea: Debra Heine
Lies, diplomacy and the Covid-19 crisis: Gordon Watts
Italy starts to look ahead to ‘phase two’ as coronavirus death toll slows: StraitsTimes

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

The FDA-approved Drug Ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro: ScienceDirect
Stop depleting your paper towel supply so fast with these 6 smart tips: CNet
Apple is designing and shipping face shields for medical workers: Sam Byford


News From Planet Wobegon: MOTUS
UK mobile carriers politely ask people to stop burning 5G towers: Tom Warren
Bowled Over: Stilton’s Place

QOTD: “The single most important step taken by President Trump was his closing of U.S. travel with China, which happened on Jan. 31, something the president reminds us at every briefing.

He’s right, but what he doesn’t say is he made that decision at a time the CDC was assuring us the risk to America was low, the WHO was covering for China, Democrats were trying to impeach the president, and Biden was attacking the decision as xenophobic.

It is impossible to overestimate the number of American lives saved by that momentous decision by President Trump on January 31. And no media or Pelosi false narratives or phony Biden campaign ad can change the truth about the real chronology of the coronavirus.” --Cleta Mitchell


  1. Anonymous10:33 AM

    The numbers and the data are pointing to an Easter turn-around. We need to trust Trump in this for his timing, he is in the wheelhouse and doesn't need the distraction of clymers trying to get in. Hang tight America, this one effects the whole world, and subverts the plans of the enemy.

  2. Anonymous12:03 AM

    It is hard to believe that Horowitz would write a letter defending Michael Atkinson just days after releasing his IG report indicating 39 FISA cases that Atkinson was responsible for had a 93% error rate.

    Revising the whistleblower form to allow second-hand information "just in time to be used by the whistleblower" was NOT BELIEVEABLE.
