Sunday, April 12, 2020

Larwyn’s Linx: Authoritarian Overreach Is Unnecessary to Fight the Pandemic

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Trump 2020 American Flag Vintage T-Shirt
Authoritarian Overreach Is Unnecessary to Fight the Pandemic: Andrew C. McCarthy
Time to Sideline the False Prophets of Doom: Julie Kelly
America Must Prove the Future Is Freedom: Thaddeus G. McCotter

Are Americans Ready for China to Rule the World?: William L. Gensert
“The List”: Interesting and Quietly Overlooked Remarks by Secretary Pompeo: CTH
Flashback: Bill Clinton gave China missile technology: Matthew Vadum

Obama won’t endorse his former VP, but will endorse ‘mail-in’ vote fraud: NatSent
How life has changed since coronavirus struck: Ella Torres
No, The U.S. Does Not Lead The World in Coronavirus Cases or Deaths: Matt Margolis

DOJ to Review COVID-19 Restrictions On Religious Services: Epoch
Gov. Cuomo Heaps Praise on Trump for Actions Amid Coronavirus: Bronson Stocking
Papers, Please: Ace


Economic Illiterates Are Running Amok: Kurt Schlichter
Capitalism Imperiled by the Cure: T.L. Davis
President Trump Phone Interview Discussing Faith, Easter, and The Need to Reopen Our Economy: CTH

Scandal Central

Comey-FBI knowingly used Russian disinformation to frame a president: M. Dowling
Declassified notes in FISA report have investigators asking about Comey and Mueller: Daniel Chaitin
Other Senators Don’t Have Richard Burr’s Insider-Trading Problem: Dan McLaughlin


Our Horrible, Incompetent Media: Coronavirus Edition: BattleSwarm
Hilarity Ensues When Liberals Go Gun Shopping: Jazz Shaw
All the questions you want to ask Trump’s coronavirus task force that Mark Levin is asking now: NatSent


Communist China’s War for Global Dominance and the Wuhan-Virus Pandemic: Salim Mansur
Boris Johnson discharged from hospital on Easter Sunday after coronavirus treatment: Zachary Halaschak
Kremlin warns of huge influx of Moscow patients as coronavirus toll climbs: THT

Coronavirus: Elderly Europeans Denied Treatment: Soeren Kern
Greece: Christians cannot go to church for Easter on April 19, but mosques still operating: Robert Spencer
South China: Africans Told to Leave Homes: NTD

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

The Sound Of Settled Science: SDA
U.S. government gave $3.7million grant to Wuhan lab at center of coronavirus leak scrutiny: DailyMail
Singapore stops teachers using Zoom app after ‘very serious incidents’: THT


Easter 2020: MOTUS
Team allegedly sets new 'Cannonball Run' record on empty highways during coronavirus lockdowns: Gary Gastelu
Here We Go: Apple, Google Joining Forces To Track People’s Movements In Order To Contain Virus: Hot Air



  1. Maybe they are not closing the market because the virus didn't come from there. It came from the wuhan lab, quit pushing the market lie, it only helps the communist government of china cover up their attack on the world.

  2. Deserttrek3:45 PM

    Maher is getting what her wanted, economic collapse. He and all who back this insanity are traitors

  3. Whitehall4:35 AM

    With the praise that Newsom and Cuomo are giving Trump, one would guess that there are two possible incentives.

    First, they need federal money and resources to keep them from looking bad


    Second, Pompeo has some info on their coziness with the CCP.
