Friday, June 12, 2020

Larwyn’s Linx: Biden reminds voters Trump made America great again

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Vintage MAGA Adjustable Baseball Cap
Biden reminds voters Trump made America great again: Don Surber
Biden is invisible. Trump is running against himself.: Hugh Hewitt
Democrats Tell Biden to Stay In His Hidey-Hole: Emily Larsen

Who is the partisan judicial hack known as John Gleeson?: Power Line
Gen. Milley Repeats James Comey’s Mistake: Joel B. Pollak
De Blasio Persecutes the Jews: Geller Report

The Left's attacks on police threaten our rights: Rep. Andy Biggs
Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ): Joe Huffman
Pelosi Silent on Own Father: Oversaw Dedication of Confederate Statue: Hannah Bleau

Trump allies see Biden plotting to challenge defeat in November election: Rob Crilly
Republican National Convention to take place in Jacksonville, Florida: Anthony Leonardi
Mark Levin: Why Wasn't Pelosi Offended Over Confederate Statues Over Last 30 years?: CNS


US Manufacturing Exodus From China Gets Underway: Emel Kahn

Scandal Central

How New York’s Coronavirus Response Made the Pandemic Worse: Wall Street Journal
Fired State Department IG Sent Confidential Info to His Personal Email Accounts: Adam Kredo
Seattle police chief blasts city officials, says leaving precinct ‘not my decision’: Tamar Lapin


There’s an effort to get me fired at Cornell for criticizing Black Lives Matter: William A. Jacobson
Mark Levin: Disband the Democratic Party which 'birthed the KKK': Dominick Mastrangelo
Charles Barkley Dismisses ‘Defund Police’ Movement: ‘Most Cops Do A Fantastic Job’: Joseph Curl

ANTIFA Offshoot Organizer Claims they Received Money from Soros, Met with Steyer Advisor: PV
The Monumental Campaign to #CancelAmerica: Michelle Malkin
Leftist Groups, Including La Raza, to Monitor Police Under Reform Bill Modeled after Obama Plan: JW


Netanyahu’s Defining Moment: Steve Postal
Flight of the Superpower: Matthew Continetti
Indonesian police battle wave of 'body snatching' by coronavirus victims' grieving relatives: ST

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Twitter’s Jack Dorsey Worse Threat To Democracy Than Russia’s Putin: NoisyRm
Physicists Have Reversed Time on The Smallest Scale Using a Quantum Computer: Mike McCrae
Facebook paid for a 0-day to help FBI unmask child predator: Lisa Vaas


Book ‘em: Stliton’s Place
Teen who spent 10 hours cleaning up after a protest rewarded with car, college scholarship: Fox 4
Seattle Warlord: Fox



  1. Deserttrek12:35 PM

    The cops were doing their job. Beating the crap out of the rioters would have been approipriate. Blocking traffic is not peaceful

  2. TOP TRENDING VIDEO - 8:46 - Dave Chappelle
