Thursday, July 16, 2020

Larwyn’s Linx: Democrats don't believe Joe Biden's polling numbers

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Democrats don't believe Joe Biden's polling numbers: Tim Young
Georgia Democrat Defends Trump, Eviscerates Black Lives Matter Narrative: Tyler O’Neil
Mark Levin: Our Culture Makes Murderous Marxist Tyranny Seem 'Cool': Bailey Duran

Trump a student of General Wang Jingze, author of The Thirty-six Stratagems: Carlos Osweda
Alabama Democratic Sen. Doug Jones has a narrow path to keep his seat: Naomi Lim
Monmouth Poll: 57% Of Pa. Voters Believe There Are ‘Secret Trump Voters’: OAN

Time For Trump To Start Kicking Aspiration: Kurt Schlichter
Insurrection and Violence Threaten America’s Very Survival: James Taylor
Barr Confirms Arrest of MS-13 Leaders: Jack Beyrer

AOC Gets Caught Gaslighting About New York’s Rising Violent Crime: GianCarlo Canaparo
Peter Navarro just said what many people were thinking about Fauci: Kaylee McGhee
Poll: Majority of PA Voters Believe ‘Secret Trump Voters‘ in Communities: Hannah Bleau


WSJ Torches the Overblown COVID Hysteria About the Dangers of Reopening Schools: Matt Vespa
Stanford Doctor Scott Atlas: The Science Shows Kids Should Go Back To School: Jordan Davidson
Now Would Be a Terrible Time to Raise the Minimum Wage: Rachel Greszler

Scandal Central

Trump Remains the Only Man in Washington to See the Danger: Matthew Boose
Critical race theory is spreading rapidly through the federal government: Christopher F. Rufo
Ilhan Omar’s payments to husband’s firm hit $1 million in 2020 cycle: Joe Schoffstall


The NFL Is on the Brink: Victor Davis Hanson
Ted Cruz: Bari Weiss resignation reveals New York Times is propaganda: Anthony Leonardi
Oldest hatred rears its head: New York Times justifies black anti-Semitism: WIN


FAQ: The “Snapback” of UN Sanctions on Iran: FDD
DARPA Is Transforming Cargo Planes Into Flying Aircraft Carriers: Michael Peck
7 wooden boats catch fire in shipyard at Iran port: TOI

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

4 Angles in Understanding Spread of COVID-19 in US, Europe: Fred Lucas
The Twitter mega-hack. What you need to know: Graham Cluley
Scientists uncover SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell immunity in recovered COVID-19 and SARS patients: Duke


Bastille Day: The Beginning of Liberal Madness: Ann Coulter
Just Shut Up: MOTUS
Former Iranian Hostage Slams Biden for Abandoning Him in Tehran: Adam Kredo



  1. Received via email:

    Writing as an anti Trump democrat.

    Slowly with this R accusation...

    The racists that cry "racism" (the phenomenon after exposing some of Bari Weiss' former colleages at New York Times).

    We do not all know these former colleague personally. Yet, it is about the phenomenon in and of itself.

    Let's take specifically Bari Weiss' accusation (in her resignation letter: July -2020). Excerpt:

    'My own forays into Wrongthink have made me the subject of constant bullying by colleagues who disagree with my views. They have called me a Nazi and a racist; I have learned to brush off comments about how I’m “writing about the Jews again.” Several colleagues perceived to be friendly with me were badgered by coworkers. My work and my character are openly demeaned on company-wide Slack channels where masthead editors regularly weigh in. There, some coworkers insist I need to be rooted out if this company is to be a truly “inclusive” one, while others post ax emojis next to my name. Still other New York Times employees publicly smear me as a liar and a bigot on Twitter with no fear that harassing me will be met with appropriate action. They never are...
    But there is still none appended to Cheryl Strayed’s fawning interview with the writer Alice Walker, a proud anti-Semite who believes in lizard Illuminati.'

    It reminds how Racists cry "racism". [ ] .

    It goes back to the first on record true hater who began this slippery slope of using this as epithet only to hurt while being THE racist.

    It was Issa Nakhleh who made sure to throw it in the face of survivors of the Holocaust in the US in his first of a kind June 17, 1949 "worst than nazis" memo.

    This cruel human being couldn't hold himself back in November 14, 1972  [ ]  to expose himself as he uttered that Hitler never killed Jews and denied the Holocaust ever happened. All the millions are alive... He said that it was all invented By J... He repeated it 6 years later to disturb the peace of Camp David between Sadat and Begin Historic peace summit. [ ]

    Imagine the maliciousness of only less than 3 decades after WW2, stating this as those who lost so many and went through so much, revictimized all over again.

    This non-white brown Arab linked with most true neo nazis "aryans," since the 1960's [ ], published "articles," for them, spoke at holocaust denial convention representing Muslim Congress [ ], and defended holocaust-denier Ditlieb [ ].

    Again, turning back the clock, remember his accusation of Nazism in 1949?

    (Unrelated to this. Though we could go on for days to show the raw racism in how Arab militants' violence linked to Gaza government or "moderate" Ramallah government or helped by Arabs inside Israel target specifically only Jews (I refer to civilians) and not Arabs. Or Racist dehumanization in Palestine [ ] .
    ... annexation would be a mistake. Yet, slowly with this R accusation , that became but a knife so often).
