Monday, September 28, 2020

BOOM: NYT Admits Trump Actually Paid Nearly $6 Million in Taxes in 2016 and 2017

Scientists have yet to explain why there are never any illegal IRS leaks regarding "public servants" who collected hundreds of millions of dollars on our dime (see: Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Joe Biden, etc.). Say, has anyone seen Lois Lerner lately?

Say, I wonder who could have leaked Trump's tax records (a felony offense)?

Hat tip: BadBlue Uncensored News, the alternative to the Fudge Report.


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  3. Frankly I couldn't fookin care less about the President's taxes. He's been in business all his life and the IRS isn't on his ass are they? And if you have someone doing your taxes and they're not taking advantage of every deduction, than you're just an idiot.

    And I hope and pray The Drooler uses this crap in the debate tonight because it's gonna come back on him 1,000x harder.

  4. Project Veritas Update - Omar Connected Harvester SEEN Exchanging $200 for General Election Ballot."We don't care illegal."

  5. Anonymous7:48 AM

    If this was from the IRS to the NYT I would like a probe to find who gave in the IRS the NYT the records and have them arrested.

  6. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Lol, it true. Trump is really doing good things
