Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Larwyn’s Linx: 39 Photos Capture Democrats’ Summer of Riots, Arson, and Looting

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Seamless Neck Gaiter Headwrap
39 Photos Capture Democrats’ Summer of Riots, Arson, and Looting: Virginia Allen
Iraq War Veteran Likens Portland to Living in a War Zone: Virginia Allen
Antifa Reality Check: This Is A Problem Of RUF/ROE: Herschel Smith

They Want What Maduro Wants – Tyranny: And
Here’s one of the “braniacs” we’re told we should be listening to: SDA
Democrat Candidate Abused Ex-GF, But Says ‘Medicaid For All’ Could’ve Stopped Him: DC

A vote for Joe Biden is still a vote for radicalism, not normalcy: Examiner
Where do you draw the line with anti-Semites?: Jonathan S. Tobin
BLM Silent: 40 Shot, 6 Killed in 2 Days Across Democrat-controlled Chicago: AWR Hawkins

The Left’s Dangerous Delegitimization of the Election: David Harsanyi
WH Stenographer Says Former VP’s ‘Mental Acuity’ Has Deteriorated: Alana Goodman
SF Government Gyms Open, Private Gyms Forced to Remain Closed: CTH


Celebrate the Miracle of America: Stephen Moore
Leftists Blame America. Decent People Blame Themselves.: Dennis Prager
Swing-State Labor Union Endorses President Trump's Re-Election: Reagan McCarthy

Scandal Central

Rhode Island’s Senior Ballot Harvest: WSJ
Exclusive: U.S. Ambassador to France Denies The Atlantic Story: Matthew Boyle
Atlantic Editor Admits Key Detail of Anti-Trump Hit Piece May Be Untrue: Matt Margolis


Pro Athletes Ignore Facts, Stats, and Data When Denouncing ‘Systemic Police Brutality’: Larry Elder
This is CNN: SDA
@CNN beclowns itself over Siberian craters supposedly caused by ‘climate change’: Anthony Watts

'Revisionist history': Ted Cruz rips 1619 Project as unteachable in public schools: Anthony Leonardi
John Bolton Delivers Ultimate Blow to the Atlantic's Fake News Piece on Trump: Leah Barkoukis
Michael Moore Claims Joe Biden Is Targeting ‘White Racist Redneck Votes In Michigan’: LifeZette


China ‘ took advantage of stupid people... And Biden is a stupid person’: Spencer Neale
Explainer: What is Nord Stream 2 and Why Might Navalny’s Poisoning Stop Its Completion?: Jake Cordell
USAF eyes B-52s dropping sea mines to defend Taiwan: AT

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

A Pyrotechnic Device Used During Gender Reveal Party Caused Massive California Wildfires, Officials Say: DC
California wildfire prompts air rescues of more than 160 stranded campers: Brie Stimson
The Air Force Just Tested "Robot Dogs" For Use In Base Security: The Drive


How American Civil Society Depends on Marriage, Family: Virginia Allen
Biden Campaign Horrified by Our Secret Transcript They Don't Want You to See: Stephen Green
Nearly 10 Miles Of Cars Line Up For Trump — And A Raucous Night In Small Town America: Christopher Bedford


  1. The rioters have destroyed climate change claims.
    The non-stop fires don't cause excess carbon release when antifa does it? Stopping traffic on roads and freeways, resulting in idling cars, doesn't release more carbon because antifa does it? Antifa members being bused (or flown) cross country, releases more carbon but that doesn't matter since it is antifa?
    If it doesn't matter to the climate change crowd that antifa is considerably destroying our earth's atmosphere, then no liberal should dare push climate change anymore. They will, but they should get a major push-back to non-relevance, thanks to antifa's destruction.

  2. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Great roundup of articles.
    Look around you, everything we see are evidences of Democrat manipulation to keep the American people on the plantation. The coming conflict must happen if there is to be a Reset to original intent. Masks Off people, it is the RATS who must embrace Liberty.
    Joe Biden's Brown Shirts will not succeed, and
    Joe Biden will NEVER be President.

  3. Final iPhone 12 Pro Max Leaks, '12S', AirPods 3, AirTags & iOS 14 Beta 7!


  4. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Prepare for the attempted coup, and hope it fails spectacularly.
