Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Larwyn’s Linx: Important Sen. Ted Cruz Warning: Our Basic Freedoms Are 'One Vote Away' From Disappearing

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Seamless Neck Gaiter Headwrap
Ted Cruz Warns: Our Basic Freedoms Are 'One Vote Away' From Disappearing: Susan Jones
Democratic Derangement: Party Games Out A Possible Coup If Trump Wins In November: I&I
Joe Biden Would Really Like You To Forget He Opposed Trump China Travel Ban: Jazz Shaw

The Bushes, the Clintons, China... and Trump: Julio Rivera
How Detroit's Police Chief Saved His City from Black Lives Matter: T.R. Clancy
Federal Judge: PA “Lock-Down Rules”, COVID Compliance Decrees, Unconstitutional: CTH

Feasting on Blood: Mark Steyn
The left isn’t fighting fascism. They are fighting for authoritarianism: Jeff Goldstein
The Left Sides With the Criminal: Ben Shapiro

Ric Grenell Explains “The Big Ugly” – Outsider Trump is and Existential Threat: CTH
These Joe Biden Flip Flops on COVID-19 Prove He's Incapable of Leading: PJM
Biden: Elect Trump And the Suburbs Will Burn, Flood, And Get Blown Away: Ed Morrissey


Trump Administration Targets China’s Use of Forced Labor in Xinjiang Region: CTH
Pelosi fears passing another virus relief bill would give Trump a win, Mnuchin says: Jay Heflin
Biden Platform Would Raise Taxes By $3.4 Trillion, Study Says: Joseph Curl

Scandal Central

Marco Rubio is an Active Participant in the #Obamagate Cover-Up: CTH
Have White House ‘leaks’ been ‘leaking’ out through the IT/telecom systems?: J.E. Dyer
Barack Obama Is the Inspiration for BLM's Cop Assassination Attempts: Stephen Kruiser

Herridge: Looks Like Peter Strzok Approved His Own Request To Open Crossfire Hurricane Probe: John Sexton
Dismantling the Electoral College Means Destroying America: Joseph MacKinnon
GOP chairman to release interim report on Biden probe 'in about a week': The Hill


Candace Owens blames BLM, athletes, media for ambush on L.A. police: Jordyn Pair
Atlantic: Democrats Will Riot If They Lose, Therefore GOP Should Let Joe Biden Win: Joel B. Pollak
Peter Strzok and his conspiracy theorizing lack all credibility: Kaylee McGhee

‘How Many Suburbs Will Be Burned In Wildfires’ If ‘Climate Arsonist’ Trump Is Reelected, Biden Asks: David Krayden
Democrats Are Trying To Threaten Their Way Into Power: Derek Hunter
'I Feel Fragile': Hilarious 'Woke' NYT Op-Ed Shows How Trump Has Broken the Minds of Liberal America: Matt Vespa


Examining Joe Biden’s claims to have a "smarter way to be tough on Iran": Heshmat Alavi
Would Iran really risk war with US by killing an ambassador?: JPost
Iran's Offer of Nuclear Cooperation is a Sham: Con Coughlin

Trump the Peacemaker: Jed Babbin
‘Palestinians need to want to help themselves,’ senior UAE diplomat tells ToI: ToI
‘So Cynical,’ Pompeo Says of Pelosi Calling Historic Israeli-Arab Deals a ‘Distraction’: CNS

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

FDA faces tough task in rushing a vaccine safely: David Hogberg
Ex-FDA Chief: ‘White House Leadership Failed by Health Officials’ Over COVID-19: LI
Ranked: The Most Popular Websites Since 1993: Carmen Ang


Letters: Goodbye, Illinois. I won’t let the crushing debt hit me on the way out.: Kevin Bae
Canadians for Trump: SDA
Angry Birds. It’s Still A Thing.: MOTUS


  1. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Great news from the anti-mask ruling in PA, but here in WA I have decided to obey Jay Inslee's mask mandate INSTEAD of my Doctor's orders because Jay is an MD isn't he(?) or is he practicing medicine without a license? With the smoke here, when I fall over from asphyxia or my face and teeth rot I promise you Jay, I will be suing you personally for what you did to me. You trampled my liberty because you "like to doodle".

  2. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Joe Biden promises "complete health transparency", lol. Most of us are old enough to remember the conversations with significant others that detailed their conditions, prognosis, and soon demise. So now we get to look forward to slippery Joe pulling out a copy of his blood work on TV, showing us his scars, and confessing his sins. "Come on man, elect me and right away we'll go have a conversation".
    No thanks you infected old bag, why not just let Carmello garrote you in Monica's room and Stream it to pay your bills.
