Sunday, November 22, 2020

Larwyn’s Linx: The Greatest Electoral Heist in American History

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Trump 2020 American Flag Vintage T-Shirt
The Greatest Electoral Heist in American History: Ken Blackwell
FEC Chairman: Trump campaign bringing 'legitimate accusations' of election fraud to court: JTN
Dominion Refuses to Attend Hearing With Pennsylvania Legislature: Bongino Report

Dominion voting systems is a no-show at Pennsylvania state hearing: Sharyl Attkisson
Why a Federal Judge Tossed Out One of the Trump Campaign's PA Lawsuits: Beth Baumann
Sidney Powell: Election Fraud Cases We File This Week 'Will Be Biblical': Mike Miller

Takin’ it to the Streets: Eric Georgatos
Why we fight: Don Surber
A House Race In Cali Looks Like Another GOP Win, Plus a Legal Battle In NY: John Sexton

'Very strange': Devin Nunes says Democrats lack confidence in Biden victory: Daniel Chaitin
It Happened Again: Biden Loses Temper With CBS Reporter Bo Erickson: Karen Townsend
Trump vows to appeal judge's dismissal of Pennsylvania election challenge: The Hill


Virgil: If You Liked the ‘New World Order,‘ You’ll Love ‘The Great Reset‘ : Virgil
A warning from the future: The US may soon look like New Mexico: Larry Behrens
What is the Great Reset?: Eric Worrall

Scandal Central

Unusual Pattern and Ratio Within Philadelphia Ballot Data Indicates Dominion Software Manipulation of Vote: CTH
Dinesh D’Souza Asks Some Simple, Albeit Brutally Obvious, Questions: CTH
Jordan Sekulow on New Election Lawsuits: “What’s Coming in Georgia Will Be Shocking”: CTH


Take a Wild Guess Why Cuomo Is Receiving an Emmy Award: Beth Baumann
Year of the Republican woman: Nicole Russell
New York Magazine Art Critic Seems to Advocate Genocide of Republicans: RS


China’s major Indo-Pacific trade deal a 'wake-up call' for US and Europe: Joel Gehrke
Are the American Media Legitimizing Terror Attacks in France?: Giulio Meotti
Afghanistan hawks act like it's still 2001: Daniel DePetris

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Masks School Closings & Lockdowns Couldn't Have Been More Pointless.: Michael Thau
Trump: Big Pharma Delayed Coronavirus Vaccine Until After Election: Charlie Spiering
Then and Now: Vaccines: Grant Addison


What's something you recently learned that shocked you?: Shirley Lee
45 Bucks? I Wouldn’t Read This Clown Crap If They Paid Me: Earl of Taint
Salt. Light. Kraken.: MOTUS


  1. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Yesterday, BadBlue listed the article indicating Bill Gates designed the software used by Dominion. This is why WA State rips off its residents so cleanly at elections. They want us to believe that 1.5 million people can dictate the vote choices of the other 6 million.
    Culp won Washington, there MUST be an investigation into Dominion's software here. Bill Gates chickens are coming home to roost, let him go live with Soros.

  2. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Governors like Inslee should be sued for medical malpractice for they have no background or training to diagnose or prescribe. To allow anyone to practice a profession based on advice should be a crime. The fallout we are experiencing is a real unemployment number of 28%, and it includes people who gave up looking. For Inslee Whitmer and Northam to say: "wearing a mask is loving your neighbor" does nobody any good.

  3. This is as serious a constitutional crisis as our nation has ever faced. We will only be the beacon of hope for the world if we are willing to stand with courage and integrity & defend our republic 🇺🇸.نقل-اثاث-دبي-2/
