Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Larwyn’s Linx: Texas Sues GA, MI, PA, and WI at Supreme Court over Election Rules

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Texas Sues GA, MI, PA, and WI at Supreme Court over Election Rules: Joel B. Pollak
Battleground States Show Massive Election Fraud Erasing Biden’s Lead: OAN
No, The Georgia Vote-Counting Video Was Not ‘Debunked.’: Mollie Hemingway

What Is Mark Zuckerberg’s Election Money Doing In Georgia?: Scott Walter
GA Senate candidate Warnock's 2002 arrest related to child abuse resurfaces: Ryan Foley
Five takeaways from the Kelly Loeffler-Raphael Warnock Georgia Senate debate: Naomi Lim

Public needs to prep for vaccine side effects: Meredith Wadman
MI House threatens Dominion with a subpoena to appear and testify: Kyle Olson
Nothing to See Here, Just an Idiot Throwing an Explosive Into a Trump Supporter's Home: RS

CNN: Chinese Covid-19 Coverup Documents Leaked: Eric Worrall
Dems cheer as freed, accused killer charged with another murder: Tom Abrahams
Coronavirus Patients from Mexico Crossing Border and Straining U.S. Hospitals: Todd Bensman


Corporations Demand Sensitivity Training While Asking D.C. to Keep Their Slaves in China: Daniel Greenfield
Every State's Pension Crisis Ranked: Grant Suneson
Biden picks abortion crusader and culture warrior Xavier Becerra as HHS chief: Timothy P. Carney

Scandal Central

Exclusive: Suspected Chinese spy targeted Eric Swalwell, Other California Democrats: Axios
The Constitution is immune to coronavirus power-grabs: Daniel Horowitz
How Did Omar's Husband Get $634,000 in Pandemic Bailout Cash?: Daniel Greenfield


Barack Obama & the Death of Idealism: James Bovard
Support pours in after Los Angeles restaurant owner posts viral video: Laura Italiano
There Can Be No Reconciliation: Herschel Smith


China seeks Biden 'reset' of US-Sino relations: Joel Gehrke
Iran Says Scientist Was Killed Using Satellite-Controlled Gun: Arsalan Shahla and Golnar Motevalli
Biden’s shifting story on his bin Laden raid stance conflicts with Obama’s own telling: Jerry Dunleavy

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

The End of Snow: Electroverse
Researchers Invent Material That Could Create Invisibility Cloak: Futurism
Why 536 was ‘the worst year to be alive’: Ann Gibbons


A Pearl Harbor Reminiscence: Mark Hemingway
The Nation’s Pants Are the Next Super-Spreader: American Digest
The secrets behind 94-year-old Queen Elizabeth’s longevity: Jane Ridley

Cops raid home of Rebekah Jones, who said she was fired for not doctoring COVID-19 data: Tamar Lapin
Aliens in hiding until mankind is ready, says ex-Israeli space head: Aaron Feis
Prove Me Wrong: MOTUS


  1. Turns out the young Floridian woman, Rebecca Jones (see NY Post article in Larwin's Lynx list above), who was fired from the FL Dept. of Health website, has an extensive arrest history.

    Her arrest history includes felonies. "Jones also has an extensive criminal history in Leon County, where she’s been arrested and charged with three felonies, including one for robbery, and a handful of misdemeanor cases including “sexual cyberstalking,” a case where she created a website and used it to sexually harass her ex-boyfriend."

    MORE - https://www.frontpagemag.com/point/2020/12/fake-news-media-reports-rebekah-jones-raid-fails-daniel-greenfield/

    And there wasn't really a raid - the police had a warrant.

    Her story and claims about her firing are no more truthful than her story about her accessing the website. Someone at her address DID hack the FL Dashboard. If not her, someone in her home with her knowledge and complicity.

  2. MARK LEVIN: Patrick Basham explains why Biden victory not statistically impossible but statistically implausible

