Thursday, August 26, 2021

Top 20 Tweets from BadBlue Tonight: They still haven’t lowered the flag to half staff at the White House

Curated by BadBlue News, last bastion of uncensored news



Curated by BadBlue News, visiting Twitter so you don’t have to.


  1. Our Service-Members' Cause of Death: Chronic Acute Treason

    "Thanks, Obama!"

    I'm not going to address Biden voters. It's not their fault.

    After all, he wasn't elected.

    I'm not even going to address Biden. He's a piece of dogshit, stuck to the bottom of America's shoe.

    But he was installed there by the Obama Syndicate.

    A long time ago, I quit pretending Barack Hussein Obama wasn't a traitor. Unlike all of Official Washington, I never saw the need to maintain the fiction. I wish it weren't so, but it is. You can pretend if you still need to but I'm done long, long ago.

    This is all Obama.

    The blood of these dead Marines is on his hands. This is the outcome they wanted.

    For four long years, the Obama Syndicate did everything they could to frame, wiretap, impeach and smear Actual President Trump. They kneecapped his agenda at every turn, including Afghanistan. I don't mean through honest opposition. I mean seditiously, criminally and treasonously, going so far as to deceive the duly-elected Commander-in-Chief about troop levels and enemy action. And finally, overthrowing him in an Election Fraud Coup.

    They didn't want him to get credit for leaving Afghanistan the right way--through a position of strength.

    They didn't want an American victory or a Taliban defeat. They wanted a humiliating American defeat and a Taliban victory, which is exactly what they are manufacturing right now.

    And they certainly didn't want to give up their massive Money Laundering Scheme called "the War in Afghanistan" until a replacement revenue stream was in place. Thanks to those stolen Senate seats, they are now looting the Treasury by the Trillions, leaving Biden free to obey China and flee, also the goal of Obama and his Iranian owners.

    That is why you give up Bagram Air Base at the Taliban's demand.

    That is why you give the Taliban a complete list of our Afghan allies.

    That is why six months ago, Biden's lackey called these troops "the enemy within", saying they must be purged from the service. Congratulations; you purged them today.

    Of course, the One-Party Press and the Fascist Big Tech oligarchs are also guilty, but let me give a special shout-out to Paul Ryan's Fox News and crooked local politicians like Brian Kemp and the Maricopa Board of Supervisors. By helping to steal the election, you pointed a loaded Biden at the heads of those Marines and pulled the trigger. You could not be more culpable for their deaths if you had strapped on a suicide vest yourselves. What the fuck did you think would happen, Killah?

    So enjoy your murders, all of you. Sleep well, knowing you did your parts.

    But your day is coming. Sooner or later, it is coming.

    It always comes for traitors like you.

  2. Whats the difference between Biden and the Afghan soldiers who dropped thier weapons and ran away all the while knowing what the Taliban would do to thier countrymen? Not much....

  3. Gipper’s comments say it all.

  4. Video - Afghanistan: How the attacks outside Kabul airport unfolded

  5. Anonymous12:54 AM

    TGL echoes my thoughts - precisely.
    Real men, the ones who shaped the Constitutional Republic, would have brought charges of treason against this junta and hung them all by now.

  6. The Gipper Lives nailed it. Only left out specifically naming ValGal who is satan walking the earth.

  7. Anonymous10:11 AM

    17 US Military combat deaths in the Afghan theater for ALL of 2019.
    13 US Military combat deaths in the Afghan theater in seconds during 2021.

    Thanks, Talibiden!

