Monday, August 16, 2021

Top 20 Tweets from BadBlue Tonight: "Scummiest Tweet of the Week" Edition

Curated by BadBlue News, last bastion of uncensored news



Curated by BadBlue News, visiting Twitter so you don’t have to.


  1. BBC Video - Deaths reported at Kabul airport as Afghans try to flee Taliban

  2. judgeroybean9:16 PM

    Islam, like communism, would never exist if not for terrorism. If they come to America, let them know their Satan loving inbred lofo religious leaders can no longer terrorize them into going along with the Islamic scam. Ditch Satan, welcome to America. Remain a Muslim? Go back where you came from.

  3. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Outcomes: Leatherface Joe shares a portal in history with Edward John Smith.
    We hear the silver tongue devils selling their rationales to America but it is the outcomes to which we must look.
    I hope Joe hears the cries of the women raped, the children murdered, and the people deceived back into the stone age - he could have had a different outcome but this is the religion of the RATS. Tomorrow they will say "what difference does it make if America is an unreliable friend"?
