Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Top 20 Tweets from BadBlue Tonight, 08.17.21: "Middle Of The Night At Bagram Airbase" Edition

Curated by BadBlue News, last bastion of uncensored news



Curated by BadBlue News, visiting Twitter so you don’t have to.


  1. A small child could have told you to get civilians out first.

    It’s pretty clear:

    This is a planned failure, an intentional defeat for the United States by enemies both Foreign & Domestick.

    It is meant to signal Taiwan and others that the US is a Toilet-Paper Tiger under Biden Obama.

    Until proven otherwise, I will assume that China ordered this up–not that Shadow Brain Hussein wouldn’t have done it for free.

    The only question is will they also order Joe to lose a war over Taiwan?

    Try this: "Today the Administration announced the movement of aircraft carriers from the China Sea into the Indian Ocean to help with the massive Hostage Crisis there..."

    It seems they're burning up Joe rather quickly now. How far off can the Harris/Booker Junta be?

    Still, I say we should stay.

    We need to defeat these terrorists, bring Jeffersonian Democracy to the natives, have Purple-Finger Elections, secure the borders, stop the face coverings, the child genital mutilations, the statue-toppling and free our hostages from the Regime’s prisons.

    Yes–we should definitely stay in America.

    Who’s with me?

    ps: "The Biden Administration has left 10,000 U.S. citizens stranded in Afghanistan AT THE SAME TIME that it's already got Fort McCoy ready for "processing" Afghan refugees in Wisconsin. What does that tell you?"

    A: It tells me they built the "cure" before they built the "disease"--just like the Plandemic.

  2. Video - Escaping Kabul as the Taliban Take Afghanistan | WSJ


  3. Gipper you nailed it. The sad part is our "American Ministry of Truth" will brainwash the lo-infos into believing it was all Trumps fault.

  4. Don't worry a bit, as long as Captain Obvious is shooting out his much-o informative tweets, the REgressives are cowering in their boots.
