Sunday, September 19, 2021

Larwyn’s Linx: Biden Administration Allows Border Invasion to Continue – Massive Crisis in Del Rio Texas

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Biden Administration Allows Border Invasion to Continue: Massive Crisis in Del Rio TX: CTH
Funny: DC Stormtroopers Accidentally Target Undercover Fed Dressed Like Antifa: CTH
FL: 50% Seeking COVID-19 Treatments In South Florida Fully Vaccinated: ZH

A different view—VERY different: Cold Fury
Designer Of AOC's "Tax The Rich" Dress Owes Taxes In "Multiple States": ZH
Reports: Taliban Decapitating Children and Hunting Down US Collaborators: Guy Benson

Politics Must Not Kill The Constitution: Cheryl K. Chumley
Biden Opens The Border To The Virus: And
Democrats are again planning to pay rich people to buy expensive cars: Andrea Widburg

Treason… There, Somebody Said It.: Kevin McCullough
So how did 15,000 Haitians suddenly find their way to Del Rio, Texas?: Monica Showalter
Patriots, Awaken – the New Intellectual Froglegs: Joe Dan Gorman


Biden's big union bailout: Examiner
Pennsylvania Rations Alcohol Due to Crippled Supply Chain: Beth Brelje
Supply Chain Shipping Hell: ‘Just Get Me a Box’ Says Logistics Manager: MishTalk

Scandal Central

Dirty Deeds Done Not Cheap: Clarice Feldman
North Carolina Judges Strike Down Voter ID Law, Claiming It’s Racist: Zachary Stieber
Trump: 'Only reason' Gen. Milley still has a job is because he knows Biden's secret: Kipp Jones


The Breathless “Justice for J6” Coverage: Drew Holden
Joe Biden's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day: Jazz Shaw
Fox Reporter Outfoxes Biden FAA After They Try to Stop His Drone Coverage of Huge Illegal Alien Influx: RS


Australian Freedom Fighters Battle Totalitarian Tyranny and Government COVID Lockdowns: CTH
Hong Kong is holding a "patriots only" election today: Jazz Shaw
We Need to Talk about Pakistan: Rajan Laad

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Ohio Files Lawsuit Against Google for ‘Anti-Competitive Behavior’: Joseph Lord
SpaceX Capsule With World’s First All-Civilian Orbital Crew Splashes Down Off Florida: ET
The Fastest Learning Curve in History?: Gale Pooley


One hiker’s peak of desperation: Matthias Gafni
The greatest football comeback ever?: Hot Air
Pasta Siciliana Mezzogiorno: MOTUS


  1. Do remember every time you see an invasion such as this it is no mistake. It is not a crises. It is planned and welcomed by this evil left whacko government who has both fraud and stolen an election but also hates America such as it is. A complete transformation to Ruling Class and Peasant Class is required. This is a plan not a mistake. Therefore it goes on and nothing we the people can do about it. The government we have is enforcing this transformation to a real banana republic where only the rulers matter for they will make the rules.

  2. The majority of the illegals in Del Rio will be resettled, the Biden administration will deport 1 out of every 20 and then claim that they are serious about boarder security. Meanwhile thousands will be resettled across the country and be showered with welfare, food stamps housing assistance and free public schools for thier children. All they have to do in return is vote democratic....

  3. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Rise up! Our Minders are posturing and not receiving the real vaccines because they know what is in them.
