Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Larwyn’s Linx: Joe Rogan: Freedom

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LEATHERMAN, Skeletool Lightweight Multitool: Combo Knife & Bottle Opener
Joe Rogan: Freedom: Joe Rogan
The end game of the election audits: Don Surber
Pelosi’s trying to navigate infra, spending, debt limit, and shutdowns: Emily Brooks

5 Questions Congress Must Ask Austin, Milley About Afghanistan Pullout Debacle: Signal
FBI says murder rate increased nearly 30% in 2020: Jerry Dunleavy
White House Admits It Has No Idea How OSHA’s Worker Vaccine Mandate Would Work: CTH

Opposition to critical race theory is broad and bipartisan.: Christopher F. Rufo
5 Supreme Court Cases to Watch in New Term: Zack Smith
NY Medical Providers Begin Shutting Down Services as Unvaxxed Workers Terminated: CTH

Trump ally receives racist death threats following Jan. 6 panel subpoena: Samuel Chamberlain
Couple arrested with 21kg of “super fentanyl”, enough to kill 50 million people: Daily Mail
Muslim Passenger Screaming ‘Allah’ Tries to Storm Cockpit of JetBlue Flight Out of Boston: Robert Spencer


Senate Republicans thwart legislation pairing government funding with debt limit increase: Susan Ferrechio
Today’s blacklisted American: Unvaccinated students at Penn State banned from remote classes: Robert Zimmerman
Occupy Wall Street’s Co-Founder Just Wants to Get Rich: Daniel Greenfield

Scandal Central

Arizona Senate Hears of Multiple Inconsistencies Found by Election Audit: ET
Maricopa County audit flags 57k+ ballot issues in a state Biden won by fewer than 11k votes: Sharyl Attkisson
Project Veritas Undercover Exposes Johnson and Johnson Officials Promoting the Politics of The Vaccine: CTH


Twitter Censors Daily Signal Video About Border Patrol on Horseback: Fred Lucas
The 'F*** Joe Biden' Chant Is EVERYWHERE: PJM
'Do the Next Right Thing': Tips on Coping With Anxiety: Douglas Blair


China’s Electricity Curbs Risk Wider Damage This Time: Jacky Wong
Navy SEALs Told They’re Undeployable If They Don’t Get a COVID-19 Vaccine: Lawyers: ET
Taliban’s Newly-Appointed Chancellor of Kabul University Bans Women From Working or Studying: ET

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

US Sets Start Date for Fund to ‘Rip and Replace’ Huawei and ZTE Network Equipment: ET
Why are the FDA and CDC advisory panel members so afraid to debate COVID Vaccine Safety?: TrialSiteNews
Uttar Pradesh government says early use of Ivermectin helped to keep positivity, deaths low: Maulshree Seth


Breaking Video: FBI Busts Terror Plot: Babylon Bee
Awww Monday Woodsterman Style ~ 319: Woodsterman
Taco Tuesday: Health Danger?: MOTUS


  1. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Rev. Pawlowski was arrested upon his return to Canada much to the joy of America's Governors who according to Kathy Hochul serve as Joe Biden's apostles as they punish every disobedience, most notably lockdowns and persecution of the un-vaxxed. It is the religion of the RATS on full display so bow your knee, take the jab and rest with your fathers.

  2. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Will anyone else note Tucker's use of the words "intravenous communion" as being a staple in the Biden cult?
    People, the vax literally changes a person's blood, even Jim Jones couldn't do that.


  3. Biden has let Millions of untested and unvacinated ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS pour into this country. They are untraceable and have spread out all over the country. All while American citizens are being forced to take the vaccine and wear a mask or lose thier livelihood.
    So who's side is this government on?

    The "Infrastructure Bill" includes BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars for "Tree Equity", college tuition for illegal aliens and housing and medical and financial support for the 10's of thousands of Afgan "refugees" that are here and are due to arrive.
    Who's side is this government on?

    Is there ANY money in the bill to take care of our homeless veterans? No.
    So who's side is this government on?

  4. Anonymous3:07 PM

    I'm convinced it was Pelosi who pulled the trigger for the insurgents on January 6th. She reconvened Congress late that night as well to slam the door on Trump's electoral countdown.
    She belongs in prison.

  5. Live: Austin, Milley to testify at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing

