Saturday, December 04, 2021

Larwyn’s Linx: VDH on The Third Worldizing of America

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 • The Third Worldizing of America Victor Davis Hanson
 • Epidemic of smash-and-grab crime is definitely man-made Turley
 • AOC’s Ugly Delegitimization of Supreme Court David Harsanyi
 • Migrants from all over world cross southern border in record numbers Anna Giaritelli
 • Remember The San Bernardino Fourteen Lloyd Billingsley
 • The Sense of an Ending Matthew Continetti
 • Aides jump overboard Kamala Harris's sinking ship Katherine Doyle
 • Rep. Greene Releases Graphic Death Threats From AOC Democrats CTH
 • McCarthy: Boebert, Gosar, and Greene drama ‘causes problems’ for GOP in '22 Emily Brooks


 • The ‘Bought Off Better’ Bill Buys the Corporate Media Thaddeus G. McCotter
 • 3 Whoppers Joe Biden Just Told To Cover Up His Terrible Job Performance Chuck DeVore
 • Who is to blame for our nation's debt? Examiner

Scandal Central

 • Special Counsel Durham found the e-mails Fusion GPS tried to hide: Sanctionable conduct. Techno Fog
 • An FDA official demanded Google censor a YouTube video the agency didn't like Berenson
 • The madness stops only when Fauci is stopped C.J. Baker


 • NYT slammed for downplaying Steele dossier’s impact on Trump-Russia probe Callie Patteson
 • Rachel Maddow, Libertarian on 1 Issue Tim Graham
 • Today's dumb freakout, CNN edition: Is DeSantis forming a "personal militia" in Florida? Ed Morrissey


 • China’s Attempt To Disappear Tennis Star Peng Shuai Fails Thanks To Massive World Outcry Helen Raleigh
 • US intelligence says Kremlin planning multi-front offensive early next year with 175,000 troops Daily Mail
 • Jihadist attacks flow into littoral West Africa Caleb Weiss
 • The Irish Triple-Vaxx Double-Maskers are Getting Locked Out Again CTH
 • Australian Woman Recounts Harrowing Experience of Being Held in COVID-19 Quarantine Camp Ailan Evans
 • Australia Has Fallen. Is Our Nation Next? Jeff Thompson

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

 • Bulgaria’s Tale of COVID-19, Medicine, and Vaccination Mathew Crawford
 • Court Orders FDA To Comply With FOIA On Pfizer Vaccine – At Least 1,200 Vaccine Deaths In First 90 Days CTH
 • WHO: ‘No Evidence’ Boosting Entire Population Offers Greater Protection to Healthy Individuals Jack Phillips


 • Loyalty Program Feral Irishman
 • November Jobs Report: Abysmal – But Wait! We Aren’t Done Yet!! MOTUS
 • This Week In Pictures: New Deviant Edition Power Line


  1. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Jay Inslee is a murderer.
    He murdered me, he murdered my championship dog, he murdered my business, and while I yet have breath I will say that he as doctor was really an angel of night coming to steal what was my delight. It is too late now for him to give it back but I reflect on what remains and that is my land. There is no Covid here for I ditched my TV. And when I walk through my house and must shout in pain from what is happening to my frame no one hears me except God so louder still I state my case. But when I rise from my knee I see an angel of mercy holding out a pain pill for me. This is true aid and comfort you see, Godly compassion dispensed for me.
    You came to steal God's beautiful things but you are a Devil defeated and I am a soldier who will and endure hardness because He made all things.
    There is the story of a Roman soldier who was told by his guide that if he insisted on taking a certain journey it would probably be fatal to which he answered, It is necessary for me to go, but it is not necessary for me to live.
    Jay Inslee is a murderer, shake off the RATS Jay, and make Washington a beautiful place.

  2. Anonymous1:30 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Anonymous7:35 PM

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