Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Top 20 Tweets from BadBlue Tonight, 01.05.22: Remembering The 1/6 #FedSurrection

Curated by BadBlue News, last bastion of uncensored news. Note: if you're having trouble seeing the tweets, it may be because you selected DuckDuckGo as your browser’s default search. To see the tweets, please right-click on this link, then open the link in an incognito window. You can also change your default search engine to fix the issue.


A flashback from yesterday, but important:



Curated by BadBlue News, last bastion of uncensored news. Note: if you're having trouble seeing the tweets, it may be because you selected DuckDuckGo as your browser’s default search. To see the tweets, please right-click on this link, then open the link in an incognito window. You can also change your default search engine to fix the issue.


  1. Deserttrek8:24 PM

    No idea who or what #19 is all about.
    Novak Djokovic?

    More proof twitter is irrelevant to sane people

  2. Anonymous1:56 AM

    Ted Cruz went over to the dark side. Pres. Trump was right: "Lyin' Ted".
    Cruz fooled a lot of people. No more.

  3. Novak oughta tell the tennis officials in Australia to fook off. See how well their tournament goes off with out him.

    Cruz lets that mask slip every once in a while doesn't he? And he honestly believes he's in the running for the nod in 2024? After sitting on his hands about the election fraud in 2020? Good luck asshole.

    In the senate we've got a solid in Hawley. Who else?

  4. Anonymous10:04 AM

    RE: Possible death toll from electric cars stuck on the highway in a snowstorm.

    All's one needs to do is puncture one of the lithium-ion batteries, expose it to air, and wait about 5 minutes until a roaring fire emerges. Then, everyone gather round the campfire!

    Of course, if everyone driving those "green" vehicles is a Soyboy or Karen they might not think to do that, which could result in a perfect example of Darwinism.


  5. MM1Mike3:02 PM

    People shouldn't worry about what happens to Ghislaine Maxwell (or the clients). She doesn't have to talk or give out client names. I fully expect Biden to Pardon her at some point.

  6. Anonymous12:21 PM

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  7. Anonymous4:22 PM

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