Thursday, June 15, 2023

"This Is Absolutely Not A Dictatorship" by @TuckerCarlson

Gripping and raw material from Tucker Carlson

Update: Note received from a "Democrat":


  1. Anonymous3:14 AM

    I don't know what the founding fathers wouldcall our government today, but I am sure that Stalin, Mao, Castro, and Hitler would be very familiar with it.

  2. "Do you enjoy treating half the country as the enemy?"
    Not at all. But you certainly seem to get pleasure from it.

  3. If you’re going to use a quote of mine, the least you could do is not intentionally misrepresent it as coming from a Democrat. I was a registered Republican my entire adult life until I lost faith that the party under Donald Trump could be a serious, fact-based political party. I am still not a registered Democrat.

    You and I have talked about my registration before. Misrepresenting my affiliation proves me right about you delighting in misinformation. It also suggests my concerns about my former party were well founded when I left.

  4. Jesse Kelly has a great response: Either you see what's happening to Trump as being about Trump or you see it being about a weaponized government planning to make any opposition a crime.

    Only one of those views is correct. You don't have to be a Trump fan to see it's the latter.
