Monday, September 04, 2023

Leading U.S. Nazi Questioned By Police: Computer Tells Officers Not To Arrest, But Instead "Contact the FBI"

The following police bodycam footage is startling. It shows police officers detaining a leader of a recent Neo-Nazi protest in Florida. Performing a background check on him using their computers, they read aloud: "It says 'Contact the FBI'."

• Not that he's a wanted, domestic violent extremist (DVE).

• Not that he could be armed and dangerous.

Just 'Contact the FBI'.

With that, please check this out.

Whether warranted or not, commenters are speculating that Antifa, BLM, and the Nazis are all arms of the Democrat Party. Including Ukrainian Nazis. Which means taxpayers may be funding all of this destructive behavior. And none of it makes sense, because there is no visible "Nazi threat" (other than what appear to be masked, uniformed groups of DVEs like "Patriot Front"). Somehow media and government agencies have no interest in these seemingly well-organized domestic threats. Sixty Minutes is AWOL. There are no public bulletins or BOLOs for these vicious white nationalists.

In the early 20th Century, the Democrats funded a terror wing called the Ku Klux Klan. Now the Democrats appear to have weaponized the government to create "sanctioned" terror wings at taxpayer expense.

If true, it makes you wonder: are Antifa and BLM simply a few of the Democrat "Brown Shirts"?

Remember that Obama's history of government weaponization includes the Lois Lerner IRS Scandal, Comey Strzoking Page, the Mueller Very Special Counsel, the Ukraine Impeachment, and many more greatest hits. Since the installation of an ostensible leader who can take the fall, the Marxist takeover has only accelerated.

A legitimate media would question why Barack Obama never left DC after serving. This represented an unprecedented, if only ceremonial, breach of prior presidential transfers of power.

How much power does Barack Obama wield in the Executive Branch?


Update: Does Obama have an undeclared SCIF in his Kalorama DC home? You know, in order to run the government? Asking for a friend.

Update Part Deux: the Florida venue for this "Nazi threat" protest is interesting. Should they succeed in defeating Trump, and DeSantis emerges, this is a logical way to blunt his candidacy.

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