Thursday, October 12, 2023

Larwyn’s Linx: On Israel, Hamas, and what happens now

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 • On Israel, Hamas, and what happens now Alex Berenson
 • Terrorist Watchlist Encounters at Southern Border Up 7,450% Under Biden, Setting Record MRC
 • The Qatari elephant in the room Dossier
 • Trump Brings Home Americans From Israel, While Families Beg Biden to Help Sarah Arnold
 • John Kirby Asked Point-Blank Why US Hasn’t Already Evacuated Americans From Israel DC
 • Biden admin will only rescue US citizens in Israel if they sign a promissory note Scoop
 • What makes Rep. Rashida Tlaib cry? Not beheading babies David Strom
 • Leftists Want the Same Massacre to Happen Here Kurt Schlichter
 • House Democratic Leaders Silent on Tlaib ‘Apartheid’ Israel Comments Amid Slaughter Tyler O'Neil


 • Now’s The Time To Ruthlessly Purge The Universities Mary Rooke
 • Harvard students having second thoughts about siding with Hamas John Sexton
 • The Campus Hate Groups that Support Nazis Sara Dogan

Scandal Central

 • ‘The US Conducts Prisoner Swaps’: Hamas Official Cites Biden’s Iran Deal As Rationale For Taking Hostages DC
 • ‘On Their Own’: GOP Rep On Ground In Israel Says Stranded Americans Are ‘Getting Nowhere’ With Biden State Dept DC
 • A worldwide terror spree this Friday? David Strom


 • "America does not deserve me" David Strom
 • Family of man wanted for killing Josh Kruger says the 19-year-old and Kruger shared sex and drugs Inquirer
 • ‘Gas the Jews’ doesn’t qualify as hate speech? Eric Utter


 • Reports: Some of the Hamas Terrorists Had Israeli Work Permits and Their Victims Recognized Them Matt Vespa
 • ISIS Flag at Israel Attack Site Suggests This Was Bigger Than Just Hamas Daniel Greenfield
 • The Savagery of Hamas Sean Ross Callaghan
 • Religion of Peace? Hamas Leader Calls for Global Jihad on All Jews Worldwide This Friday MRC
 • What Hamas Was Really Out To Do Daniel Greenfield
 • Iran and the Cult of the Mahdi Milli Sands


 • CBDCs: Ultimate Tool of Oppression Brownstone
 • Microsoft Lobotomizes Bing’s Image Generating AI Futurism
 • Scientists excited by first look at OSIRIS-REx asteroid samples Jeff Foust


 • The New York Times And 8 Other Great Toilet Paper Alternatives Babylon Bee
 • Anti-Israel Students Host DC Vigil for Hamas ‘Martyrs’ Mary Margaret Olohan
 • Finally . . . . Libturd Thursday ~ A Woodsterman


  1. In Australia, England etc. You will be arrested for misgendering someone, insulting a gay, saying there are only 2 genders or praying quietly in front of an abortion clinic or speaking out against the Muslim grooming gangs. In the USA you would be jailed for questioning your school's teaching your kindergartener about gay sex or their pushing your child to transition without your knowledge or consent. You will be financially ruined for not wanting to bake a cake that celebrates anything that goes against your religious beliefs. If you're a Christian preacher exercising your first ammendment rights the FBI will violently raid your home and drag you off to prison. However if you are celebrating the murder of Israeli men women and children by Muslim savages and calling for the destruction of America and Israel then you can celebrate in peace....

  2. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Is a thing that cannot be discussed, lest you be accused of racism or worse, a religion, or a control structure?

    Further, what is being controlled by such a structure? Media? Business? Banking? Governance? Public opinion? All of the above, or unimaginably more? Everything?

    In Rev 2:9 the accusation "synagogue of Satan" is leveled. Accurately.

  3. Hamas taunts EU - Hamas boasted it could use EU-funded pipelines to attack Israel - VIDEO
