Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Larwyn’s Linx: Consequences of American Communism

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 • Consequences of American Communism TL Davis
 • The Easy Politics of Criticizing Israel Douglas Murray
 • Jihad, by God! Kunstler
 • After Targeting Grannies, Rogue FBI Director Now Predicts Terror Attacks In U.S. CTH
 • Wray on True Genocidal Terrorists: “The Gaps in Our Intelligence are Real” CTH
 • Pro-Palestine Protesters Clash in Chicago With Radical Black ‘Israelite’ Group Lucy Gilbert
 • In ‘Despicable’ Performance, Mayorkas Stonewalls Congress Jordan Boyd
 • How Many Illegals Has Biden Admin Released Into US? Mayorkas Won't Say Jennie Taer
 • France’s Nightmare Is Yours Now Marc Weitzman


 • The Great ‘Green Energy Transition’ That Wasn’t Stephen Moore
 • The US Military is Stretched Thin David Strom
 • Downtown Pittsburgh merchants tired of what they are calling revolving door of justice KDKA

Scandal Central

 • 5 Takeaways as Senate Grills FBI, DHS Chiefs on Terrorism, Antisemitism, Border, Big Tech Fred Lucas
 • WSJ: Anti-Semitic Left About to Blow Dems Apart Ed Morrissey
 • Remember the Name Brian Auten Paul Sperry (2021)


 • Ivy Leaguers, Find Your Spines Tablet
 • Dinesh D’Souza’s Film ‘Police State’ Is Warning Cry for Americans: ‘We’re in Danger’ Rob Bluey
 • Should Be Obvious to Anyone Sane: Why the Dallas Mayor Crossed the Party Road Beege


 • Israel’s Pearl Harbor Robert Zimmerman
 • Remarkable Report: 300 Miles of Hamas Tunnels, 200 ft Below Gaza CTH
 • China, Japan coastguard ships in another face-off near disputed Diaoyu Islands SCMP


 • Floridians Seek Justice For Dr. Fauci, Medical Establishment Miami Independent
 • Has NYC Solved its Rat Problem? Jazz Shaw
 • Tesla Wins in Trial Over Autopilot Crash Beege


 • Nothing Says 'Halloween' Like Bud Light Trying to Claw Its Way Out of the Grave Beege
 • The Must-See Trailer of the Year: "American Fiction" Mark Judge
 • At Last . . . The Skipism ~ A Woodsterman


  1. Anonymous12:59 PM

    All of the Alt Media Big Boys with submissions linked here have swallowed the most divisive issue in history, hook line and sinker, choosing a side, and furthering the chaos.

    The question now is, who owns YOU? Can't hide behind the business model shield anymore.

    Never thought the "Right" would qualify righteous killing, unless fueled by rank, noxious and dangerous ignorance. You will have lots of 'splainin' to do, once your "principled" readers wake up.
