Monday, January 22, 2024

Why Can't The U.S. Navy Stop The Houthis?


• Navy Special Warfare Operator 1st Class Christopher J. Chambers
• Navy Special Warfare Operator 2nd Class Nathan Gage Ingram

May God Hoist them on Silver Wings and Keep them in the Bosom of His Heart…" --@Eagledriver

Link: Naval Special Warfare Operators Lost Near Yemeni Coast Identified – Search Status Changed to Deceased. RIP.

In what world does a U.S. president give Iran -- the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism (according to his own state department) -- billions of dollars? And let Hamas mint a few new billionaires? And let the U.N. build more miles of tunnels under Gaza than the Paris and London Metros combined?

I ask you, my beloved readers and bots: why would a president do this?


  1. LIVE: President Trump to Deliver Remarks in Laconia, New Hampshire - 1/22/24

  2. How Are we supposed to stop the Houthi? Bomb them back to the stone age?
    That would be what...about six weeks? The ONLY wt we stop the Houthi....
    along with the untold numbers of other muzzie sects espousing terrorism is
    to exterminate them, completely. And the west lacks the cojones to do what
    is necessary. Unless we eradicate Islam completely they will eventually win.
    Because they will NEVER give up. Just like the communists.
