Saturday, March 23, 2024

Top 20 Tweets Posts Tonight: Democrats Accelerate Alien Invasion Using Hundreds of Flights Paid For By Taxpayers

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  1. Anonymous8:56 AM

    RE: #12 - Perhaps the Democrat Mayor of Chitcago is complaining about the ability to steal a ignition-key start Kia (2011-2022) or Hyundai (2015-2022) by using just a USB cable ( He's not the only Democrat, Seattle and Milwaukee's Dems have complained (and threatened legal action) as well. Some could say this is Lawfare - or, the standard Democrat trope of companies being greedy profiteers - but in this situation they may have a point (albeit a small one).

    My question is why did it take thieves so long to figure out that convenient hack? And, what's worse, how long will it take some enterprising, trouble-minded person or group to figure out that exposing lithium batteries to atmospheric oxygen is a reallllllly bad idea?


    Search "My Unsolicited Side Effects" on the internet - including the quotes - for more intellectual gems ;-)

  2. Anonymous10:33 AM

    FJB, now joined by FBJ .

    The criminality and disgusting behavior of Dems and their fellow-travelers on the bench and elsewhere won't be soon forgotten.
