Sunday, May 19, 2024

Larwyn’s Linx: Camp of the Dumbbells

Send us news tips! Sponsored by My Private Journal


 • Camp of the Dumbbells Clarice Feldman
 • US Administration Abandons Israel, Empowers Enemies Majid Rafizadeh
 • You Will Eat the Bugs Ace
 • 40 arrested as NYPD clashes with anti-Israel protesters in Brooklyn JNS
 • Iran's New Proxy: American Universities Robert Williams
 • Outgoing Cornell President Expresses “Gratitude” To Anti-Israel Encampment Protesters LI
 • Exclusive: Wisconsin Judge Stops Elections Commission From ‘Fomenting Election Fraud’ Federalist
 • 3 Moments ‘Star Witness’ Michael Cohen Just Undermined Bragg’s ‘Get Trump’ Case Federalist
 • Republicans Express Concern Over Sharp Uptick On Chinese Migrants Illegally Crossing Border ZH


 • Yellen Wrong Yet Again! Jesse Richman, Howard Richman
 • Why Did The US Spend $320 Million On A Rube Goldberg Pier For Gaza? ZH
 • Magic Monetary Theory Goes Primetime Matt Taibbi

Scandal Central

 • Sinwar in Exchange for Rafah Lee Smith
 • Lessons from COVID Totalitarianism J.B. Shurk
 • Russia Hoaxer Jake Tapper Is The Perfect Partisan Hack To Give Biden A Debate Edge Jordan Boyd


 • New York Times Frames Daniel Perry’s Just Pardon As Product Of Partisan Pressure Campaign Jordan Boyd
 • Political analyst reveals why he thinks there may be a secret plot underway to replace Biden Daily Mail
 • Pelosi Attacker Sentencing Brings out the Loony Left Jazz Shaw


 • Experts Warn Biden’s Latest Plan For Middle East Will Ignite Nuclear Arms Race Ryan Saavedra
 • Another Reason Why Biden Losing the Niger Base Was a Disaster MEMRI
 • Gantz Issues Ultimatum to Netanyahu: Put Post-War Gaza Plan in Place By June 8, Or Else Ed Morrissey


 • Sunday's Energy Absurdity: America's Looming Wind Remediation Nightmare Blackmon
 • Eyepopping: Interactive Murder Rate By Race Chart Hot Air
 • HHS Secretary Admits The Feds Will Punish Hospitals That Resist Trans Mutilation Federalist


 • Let's Pick Members of Congress at Random Jazz Shaw
 • The new anti-Americanism Roger Kimball
 • Sunday Meme Drop Non Original Rants

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