Monday, May 27, 2024

Larwyn’s Linx: Saving our Democracy This Memorial Day

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 • Saving our Democracy This Memorial Day Kunstler
 • Biden Reminds West Point Graduates of their Political Duty to Interfere in Election CTH
 • Trump train keeps a-rolling Don Surber
 • Meltdown in Florida Julie Kelly, Declassified
 • Tlaib blasts Biden for shielding ‘genocidal maniac’ Netanyahu JNS
 • America Has Become The Land Of The Selfish, Home Of The Indoctrinated M.D. Kittle
 • Fear Trump—or Bust? Victor Davis Hanson
 • To fight back against the left, I say we should refer to all Illinois criminals as “justice-impacted individuals” John Ruberry
 • DeSantis and FL School Choice So Successful, Some Public Schools Might Close Politiho


 • It’s the Cost of Living, Stupid! David Catron
 • Buttigieg Can’t Explain Why Biden Has Only Built ‘Seven or Eight’ EV Charging Stations Breitbart
 • When Schools Hire an Unqualified Scammer Jazz Shaw

Scandal Central

 • Judge Says New York City Jury Doesn’t Need to Agree on Predicate Crime to Convict Trump of Guilt CTH
 • New Info About the Chechen Illegal Who Was Shot While Possibly Surveilling Special Ops Soldier's NC Home Jennifer Van Laar
 • Democrats Are Getting Desperate Derek Hunter


 • All the rage Victor Davis Hanson
 • The Real President of Genius Strikes Again! Adam Turner
 • Erik Prince: CIA Corruption, Killer Drones, and Government Surveillance Tucker Carlson


 • Why The World Still Can't Understand the Rafah Situation Margaret Clark
 • Knesset to vote on bill designating UNRWA a terror group, another stripping its immunities JNS
 • Poland scrambles jets to secure airspace from Russian attacks on Ukraine EuroNews


 • No Deal: W.H.O. Fails to Secure Global Pandemic Treaty Breitbart
 • Those 'All Electric' Fire Trucks are a Sad Joke Jazz Shaw
 • The dystopian place 'sex work is work' takes us Meghan Murphy


 • Forever Young, Memorial Day Revolutionary War Unsung Hero and ‘Appeal to Heaven’ Patrick K. O’Donnell
 • On Serving Your Country: Honor and Remembrance Beege
 • Sunday Smiles David Strom

1 comment:

  1. So the New York jury has been instructed that they don't have to agree there was a particular crime, they just can just convict him of being guilty of something, anything. All while Biden is prepared to give a speach from the White House in anticipation of Trump being convicted. It's like the leftist Marxist Democrats are purposely trying to get Trump elected Emperor for life......
