Friday, July 26, 2024

Larwyn’s Linx: ‘Proud’ Barack Obama Endorses Kamala Harris for His Fourth Term Figurehead

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  1. Anonymous12:22 PM

    The widespread belief that there is a former president puppetmaster for whomever is "in office" will crash and burn when it's disclosed that NONE of the Dems even remotely close to the office are the actual person-- ALL of them are actors in masks, AI or CGI. That's the reason for the scramble that media is increasingly failing at hiding.

    1. Anonymous11:04 PM

      Oh, I don't think we're looking at AI-generated politicians, even if we know there's an "Oval Office set" near the actual Oval Office. Although, it is a little odd the Joe Biden who recently emerged from the White House appeared to be about 5 inches taller than the Biden who spoke in Las Vegas a few days before. Or maybe DOCTOR Jill Biden shrunk by the same amount?

    2. Anonymous5:01 AM

      Au contraire, mon ami...very few of most of elected and appointed gov't are the actual people. MS Azure was the platform for their labored-over Buyden AI module, hacked and stolen. CS was ordered to track and trace the exfiltration-- an extreme nat'l sec issue, the AI prez in the hands of godknowswho-- but in a rush job CS released a bad driver that bricked millions of MS workstations. Apply the scale of that and you'll grasp the coverup. Think McAfee, Castle Rock, JA...

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