Friday, July 05, 2024

Larwyn’s Linx: Who Turned Off the Gaslight?

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 • Who Turned Off the Gaslight? Kunstler
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 • Remembering the "manly principles of independence" on the Fourth of July Matt Taibbi
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Scandal Central

 • Back in the USSR. Are We the Soviets Now? Robert W Malone
 • Americans Want to Know Who is Really in Charge in the White House Fred Fleitz
 • Missouri AG Sues New York For Lawfare ‘Interference’ In Presidential Election Federalist


 • Reporters Blame “Right-Wing Media” for Their Failure to Disclose Biden’s Infirmity Turley
 • Rededicating Ourselves to the Principles of the Ongoing American Revolution Andy Craig
 • New AP Spin: Biden's Sharp as a Tack! Occasionally! Ed Morrissey


 • Hezbollah drone and rocket barrage pounds Israel JNS
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 • And now we go to The White House for an Independence Day Message from your President. Diogenes
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 • Friday Funnies: Democratitis Robert W Malone

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Who's in charge at the White House? Nobody, except perhaps the Marines who stand guard. Because it's empty, and has been since January 21, 2021. The "inauguration" was demonstrably a state funeral, just by military procedures and protocols.

    If you're laughing, you probably also think Joe Biden is President. You've got a long ways to go, my friend, and are in for some major shocks.
