Sunday, July 21, 2024

SHIPWRECKED CREW: Good riddance Joe Biden

By @ShipwreckedCrew on 𝕏

My antipathy towards Joe Biden goes back to my time in the mid-80s living in DC and watching him in his role a Senator from Delaware.

Now that he seems to finally be about to rid the country of the long national nightmare that has been his prominent position as an elected member of the Democrat Party, I want to summarize in bullet point fashion what his 6 decades DC have represented:

1. He a despicable human being. He has exploited the accident that claimed the life of his first wife and daughter, falsely attributing fault to the truck driver she collided with.

2. At the age of 35 he marries Jill, 26 at the time. But Jill was first married in 1970, and Jill and her husband worked on his 1972 Senate campaign. After Joe's first wife was killed, the 21 year old Jill started helping babysit Joe's sons Beau and Hunter. They have both lied through the years about having first met on a blind date after her first marriage ended, but that has always been BS to help keep the real story covered up. The 31 year old Joe started an affair with a 22 year old who was then married. 31 year old Joe had the hots for the babysitter barely out of her teens.

3. With the exception of Beau, his children are trainwrecks. Hunter starts an affair with Beau's grieving widow and turns her into a crack addict like he was.

4. Joe gets nicknamed "Senator MBNA" -- a "bank" that is really just a credit card issuer based on Delaware, part of an industry he could never find it within himself to say "No" as long as the campaign funds kept coming. Did I mention that Hunter's first job out of law school was as a "Vice President" at MBNA? Cashing in on the power of his elected office was never a problem -- it has been a Biden family vocation/tradition for 50 years. He sees NOTHING WRONG WITH IT.

5. He has ALWAYS been a liar, braggart, and blowhard who is the central actor in the fantasy life he has fashioned for himself in his brain. He is the walking embodiment of the "Walter Mitty" complex. This was made plain by the story just published last week where he lionized himself as the "most influential" politician in the world -- "Ask anyone!!!" -- who had put NATO back together, blah blah blah. Yet US citizens remain as hostages held in Gaza and he never mentions their existence.

6. He was DONE with politics after being a distant also ran for the Dem. nomination of POTUS in 2008 -- his third try. After 36 years in DC, he polled at less than 5% nationally. He withdrew after receiving less than 1% of the vote in Iowa. Some guys never take the hint.

That should have been it for him. But Obama wanted a VP who did not have the initials HRC. Biden had the attractive quality of being someone they could park in the corner and tell him to be quiet. That is the ONLY reason at 81 years old we've been consumed by the drama of "Will he or won't he" in the 2024 race.

The two epitafhs he deserves to have on his headstone are:

1. Robert Gates writing in his book that Biden had been "Wrong on nearly every major issue" involving foreign policy for 40 years.

2. Obama's comment "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fook things up."

In my lifetime he has been the single worst politician in the country -- both as a person and on issues of consequence.

Good riddance Joe Biden.

Follow @ShipwreckedCrew on 𝕏.


  1. Yep, and there are those out there that think he hung the moon. In their minds, he's a brilliant statesman, without fault, always honest, and a shining example of integrity. Is this insane? Of course, but we're not supposed to point out the obvious to those that lost their grasp of reality. May God have mercy on us.

  2. Hillbilly Elegy - get it or watch it here:

  3. Anonymous11:43 PM

    The Dems never hesitated to use Biden as their hit man when they needed someone destroyed or smeared. A truly vile and little man.

  4. Anonymous2:02 AM

    Left out is that Biden has always been a bigot. He laughably brags about being part of the civil rights movement and tells tall tales about it. His record says otherwise. He was a confrere of KKK bigwig and senator Robert Byrd, and other leading trash.

  5. Check the pic of Jill and Joe smooching when she looks barely of age. Yes she was around 20 and previously married, but she looked much younger - just how Joey likes them.

    The pic is on the Neilia Biden website if nowhere else.
