Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Radical Racism of the Modern Left, Exhibit 4,320

Here's an original topic for an article: Jews control the White House, the world economic system and even the winner of the Vikings-Panthers game. Such an article would not be surprising if it were published on a neo-Nazi site. That it would appear as a prominent cover piece on a leftist "peace and social justice" site is noteworthy.

Now more than ever, the hard left ideologues who control the purse-strings of the Democrat Party are the enemies of America's civil society. Democrats must therefore be politically punished in 2010 if we are to salvage the Constitution.


  1. This is so disturbing that people are so brainwashed to believe this crap. Liberalism is, by it's very growth, become the antithesis of belief in a G-d.

    Belief in oneself, as the ultimate, has killed and oppressed more people in the last century than anyone else.

    Liberalism lives among those because as they seek a higher power, they come up with only something flawed - a human being.

    Liberal Jews are no different because to them, their liberalism trumps their Judaism.

  2. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Social Justice are words slithered by the serpent's tongue; it is evil in every form.

    I pray Pope Benedict will see that Social Justice is evil fruit of the rotten Marxist tree and does not serve God's children righteously.
