Thursday, March 08, 2012

The Reparations Administration [Updated]

Author's Note: I originally wrote this article nearly two years ago, on July 8, 2010, to address what I perceived to be the unspoken agenda of the Obama White House.

In light of the recent revelations that Obama was a personal advocate for the racial eliminationist Dr. Derrick Bell, I thought it fitting and proper to re-post it.

Observers have characterized President Obama's many efforts to nationalize industries a systematic form of "wealth redistribution." But the activities instigated by the White House go beyond redistribution and devolve straight into reparations. Consider:

Race Gender Quotas in "Financial Reform"

Section 342, which declares that race and gender employment ratios, if not quotas, must be observed by private financial institutions that do business with the government. In a major power grab, the new law inserts race and gender quotas into America's financial industry... ...Section 342 sets up at least 20 Offices of Minority and Women Inclusion.

Racial Preferences in Obamacare

Transfer of wealth and “crucial decisions” aside, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act contains provisions that provide incentives for racial discrimination...

One provision states that programs with “a record of training individuals who are from underrepresented minority groups or from a rural or disadvantaged background” will be given priority for government money. This is only one of several such provisions. Programs and medical institutions that practice racial preferences will be moved further up the money queue than programs and medical institutions that disregard race... The one who disregards skin color is penalized... The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights called the provisions racially discriminatory and sent President Barack Obama and Congress letters warning them about the provisions. The politicians ignored the warning, naturally.

DOJ encourages illegal immigration by Mexican crime gangs

A study released earlier today calculates that illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers $113 billion annually... And rather than defending America's citizens, which is his primary duty under the Constitution, President Obama instead has unleashed a professional defender of terrorists to expand his practice -- protecting the Mexican crime gangs who now terrorize the southwest.

Another voter fraud scandal involving the Justice Department.

J. Christian Adams,, a former career Justice Department lawyer who resigned recently to protest political interference in cases he worked on, made some news yesterday in testimony before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights... As expected, he claimed that Associate Attorney General Thomas Perrelli, an Obama appointee, overruled a unanimous recommendation by six career Justice attorneys for continued prosecution of members of the New Black Panther Party on charges of voter intimidation in an incident I detailed here yesterday...

...But Mr. Adams leveled an even more explosive charge beyond the Panther case. He testified that last year Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandes made a jaw-dropping announcement to attorneys in Justice's Voting Rights section. She said she would not support any enforcement of a key section of the federal "Motor Voter" law -- Section 8, which requires states to periodically purge their voter rolls of dead people, felons, illegal voters and those who have moved out of state.

This Administration is Lawless

The Civil Rights Act prohibits racial discrimination and preferences. But the White House has chosen to ignore applicable law -- and the Constitution itself -- to promote a racially divisive and potentially explosive agenda.

This morning, a Wall Street Journal op-ed asked, "Who Will Investigate the Investigators?".

I would phrase it differently: "What recourse is there when the White House and the Justice Department are operating lawlessly?"

Obama has spurned wealth redistribution for something even more extreme: a political form of reparations.

We know from a series of painful examples -- throughout history -- that wealth redistribution does not work. In fact, one need only point to the wealth redistribution approach advocated by Carter, Clinton, Reno and Cuomo -- the Community Reinvestment Act and its ilk -- which led directly to the implosion of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

The reparations model that Obama is pursuing could tear apart the very fabric that led to the creation of the most inclusive society in the world. It is destroying the integrity of the ballot box; corrupting health care; destroying financial services; and eradicating American sovereignty.

The reparations model advocated by the White House represents lawlessness. Ergo, this administration is lawless.

It's November or never. And citizens of every race, creed, religion, color and culture should reject the systematic destruction of America, before it's too late.


  1. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Awesome post, Doug. When the racial hiring preferences within the 'financial reform bill' surfaced I immediately thought back to all the imbeded racial hiring and advancement preferences within Obamacare. These two items to me are far and away the most explosive. This, as you said, tears aggressively at the very fabric of the U.S.A.

    These have to break discrimination laws, don't they? Could it be any more blatant? These two items, unless struck down, will be the grounds for endless, and perfectly justifiable, lawsuits against the Fedral government for years.

    Obama is an aggressively racist man.

  2. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Maybe it's time for a coup d'état, god i never thought those words would ever come out of my America. Somebody needs to stop this nightmare.

  3. Precisely. The question that Obama is obviously unwilling, or unable, to ask himself is:

    "Ummm, what happens if whites wake up one day and decide they're the biggest victims of all?"

    Here's the answer: it'll be "Mad Max Time."

  4. Anonymous12:12 AM

    All that's left for the racist angry Negro is to change the name of his official residence to the blackhouse.

  5. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Stop paying taxes. You complain, but never do anything. If you noticed, voting does not work when people are cheats.....

  6. Great post! More good stuff at:

  7. Anonymous12:01 AM

    He's Soros, Puppet.
    Soros pulls the strings and Obama dances along with all of the Democrats.

  8. Anonymous12:49 PM

    If you add a list of numbers CORRECTLY they will always come to the same sum. This administration wants us to look at All of the facts and accept their version of the truth rather than the one they add up to. Any one who believes reparations are in order should go roll around in the dirt at Gettysberg mabey. All the blood spilled- there is your reparations.

  9. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Doug, I would also add the Pigford settlement as reported by, which was clearly all about reparations.

  10. The Reparation Agenda: Obama’s Religion of Reparations — The Pro-Reconciliation Church
