Thursday, August 12, 2010

The 15 Craziest 'Before and After' Rock Star Photos

The full slideshow is here. Brace yourself: you'll be amazed, shocked and -- in some cases -- nauseous.

Not to be cruel, but when did Linda Rondstadt become a Chris Farley impersonator?

Also: remember how your parents always told you that time goes by quickly? They weren't joshin' you.


  1. joan hett is lookin' prety good - compared to the rest of em!

  2. Duncan Idaho10:32 PM

    Joan Jett. Dude. I'd go for that....

    Totally platonic...yes, totally....

  3. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Joan Jett! This is the first time I've seen where she actually looks to have aged a bit. Still looking great.

  4. In regard to those beautiful young people whose faces finally fell; heck, for ALL of us who have been "39 again" for a couple of decades:

    Damn that force called "gravity".

    Just -- DAMN it.
