Thursday, August 12, 2010

Militant Quaker arrested at Atlanta airport for multi-state stabbing spree

I'm just guessing here, mind you, but all the signs point to another militant Quaker running wild.

Elias Abuelazam was about to board a plane for Israel when police arrested him Thursday in connection with a three-month stabbing spree that left five men dead, 13 others wounded and a Michigan city in terror. In the moments before the bald, pudgy man in flip-flops and shorts was handcuffed, passengers saw him nervously talking on his cell phone, insisting he wasn't violent.

The Israeli citizen and legal U.S. resident is charged in just one case out of Flint, Mich., the battered industrial city where most of the stabbings occurred, but authorities said more charges are expected there and in Ohio and Virginia. At least 15 of the 18 victims were black but it was unclear whether the attacks were racially motivated.

Interestingly, some media outlets are spelling Abuelazam's last name like this: "Abu Elazam".

Far be it from me to assume that legacy media would intentionally obfuscate the surname Abu Elazam, but the fact is that militant Quakers are running wild. And my sincere hope is that some staunch protectors of American liberty -- like, say, Morley Safer or Mike Wallace -- will report on this deadly scourge.


  1. Anonymous9:25 PM

    OK Doug. Hope this helps. We @ IOTW will have pity on you just this once, but don't be expectin a redistribution of comments. We got enuff of that crap going on in DC.Consider this a hand up, not a hand out!
    Oh yeah nice job on Abu. I have been wondering why I haven't heard his name before now. You got the info to me first. Thanks

  2. The news reports here kept saying that "he was boarding a flight to Israel" -- as if they were trying to imply he was Jewish.
    Or maybe that's just my conspiracy theory gears churning.

  3. Aliveritas10:42 PM

    Snip (but go read the whole thing):

    The uncle is cooperating.

    Neighbors suspected nothing, even when police appeared in the wee hours Thursday.

    "There were no signs. There were no red flags," Dan Smith said. "I’ve seen him but never talked to him. He was kind of a loner."

    Abuelazam’s mother, Iyam al-Azzam, told Israel Radio that she talked to him by phone before he was supposed to board a plane in Atlanta "and he sounded the same as usual, quiet and calm."

    In the 17th paragraph we learn that his mother has an Arabic name.

    "I do not believe these charges are true," she said. "Elias, my son, is a religious, God-fearing man who always assists anyone who needs help."

    In the 19th paragraph, we learn that he is “religious.”

    In Israel, neighbors on Abuelazam’s street in an Arab section of the poverty-stricken town of Ramla said Friday that they were shocked by the charges. They identified the suspect as the son of a good family who lost his father when he was young.

    In the 20th paragraph we finally discover that he is indeed an Arab, which suggests that he is a pious Muslim.

  4. I love it when you're wrong11:33 PM

    He's an Arab Christian. Religion of peace, my ass.

  5. Julietta Wilder10:50 PM

    why does the headline say "militant QUAKER?" There are activist Quakers, but militant is kind of an insult, as Quakers are totally against war and violence. Since the man is an Arab Christian, he is not a Quaker, but probably an Eastern-rite Catholic similar to Episcopalians. I am not splitting hairs here -- Quakerism is a philosophy, a spirtual path and a way of life. To say a man suspected to stabbing anyone is a Militant Quaker is definitely an insult and the term is an oxymoron. (Did you guess I am a Quaker?)
