Wednesday, August 11, 2010

CNN Poll: 68% of American Voters Oppose Ground Zero Mosque

Dan from New York:

CNN Poll: 68% of American Voters Oppose Ground Zero Mosque

BY John McCormack

August 11, 2010

CNN polls registered voters on the Ground Zero mosque:

As you may know, a group of Muslims in the U.S. plan to build a mosque two blocks from the site in New York City where the World Trade Center used to stand. Do you favor or oppose this plan?

The response:

Favor 29%
Oppose 68%
No opinion 3%

So, according to the Center for American Progress, two out of every three voters are un-American bigots.

I can only imagine that voters would be even more opposed to the U.S. government's funding of the Ground Zero Mosque imam's Middle East junket.

Think about it: President Obama voted "present" on the Ground Zero mosque.

And although he's been curiously silent on the topic, his State Department's appointment of Rauf says it all.



  1. I find it sad that 29% of the people polled actually thing that building the mosque is a swell idea. I wonder how the number would look if the poll had been taken on 9-12-01. Too many Americans have the memory of a fruit fly.

  2. Governing without the consent of the people and a raised middle finger to anyone who protests.

  3. I am appalled that 29% of our fellow Americans SUPPORT the damn thing. Who the hell ARE these people???????
