Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Finally: an Honest "Stimulus" Construction Sign

Courtesy of Woody, a truly honest construction sign for the American Recovery and Ripoff Act of 2009.

It would be great to have these printed up as full-sized stickers. Interested parties could then overlay them on the ridiculously commonplace construction signs to remind people where this money is really coming from.

Hat tip: Boy Moto.


  1. Brooklyn11:34 PM



    Well, I would enjoy this in a smaller sticker format, to place over the various Obama stickers we see out East.

    Although it would be fun to place this sticker on a Democratic Partisans car, to cover their fading Obama-Biden stick, I will never break the law or do something this intrusive to mess with anyone's private property.

    That is something Democrats do, unfortunately, caring little for others.

    But it certainly would be a joy...

  2. Glad you got a kick out of it, and thanks for the link!
