Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: The Summer of Our Discontent

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The Summer of Our Discontent: Nice Deb
Who is the Bully Behind the Pulpit?: Ace
Syoung809132001: The Voice of the People: AmDigest

The Newly Discovered Dead of 9/11?: McCarthy
Harry Reid pulls out race card again, whacks himself in head: Malkin
Capitalist Revolt – Against Warren Buffett and Bill Gates: WklyStd


When Hope Fails, When Joblessness Pays: RWN
Feeling a pinch? You must not be a government worker: Pundette
AFL-CIO Prez: There ain't no deficit problem: GWP

Rats Begin Leaving Obama’s Sinking Ship: GWP
'Tax Extenders': Another Democrat Bailout of Special Interests: RWN
Liberals Assume Infinite Money: RWN

Climate & Energy

The Paper of... The Last 30 Years: CBullitt
Spain burns $1B on 'green' cars: TAB
Congressman Markey suggests “global warming deniers to start their own country”: WUWT


Obama Owns Them: LegalIns
Did he really say that?: Q&O
The MSM sure grades on a curve: Driscoll

Top Leftie Blogger: Obama Campaign Asked Me to Do ‘Dirty Work’ in 2008, and I Did: GWP
Mediaite’s Tommy Christopher’s Failed Defense of the ‘N-Word’ Lie Dismantled: BigGovt

"Say what? Who you calling...?" Leftoids Start to Lose It: AmDigest
Journolist Update: AT
Celebrity Judge Loudon Delivers Verdict - Billions Wait in Awed Anticipation: NewZeal


State-Department Rocked by ‘Bam-Caused Disaster: PJM
Wonderful: State Department Sending Ground Zero Mosque Imam on 'Outreach' Tour : JWF
Middle East Coexistence? On Aisle Two, Next to the Cornflakes: PJM

Is the 9/11 Mosque a Publicity Stunt?: FrumForum
Obama Administration Seeks to Overturn US Lebanon Aid Suspension: TAB
Guess what? I'm a bigot!: iOTW

Hanoi John Kerry: Hey, I've Got an Idea: Let's Import More Muslims!: RWN
Secret History of the World: Belmont
Greg Gutfeld and the Grave Robbers of Ground Zero: Riehl


Highlights of Defcon 18: Fortify
Inside Chiquita's 'painful' finance system overhaul: NetworkWorld
Zeus Trojan steals $1 million from U.K. bank accounts: CNet


The Belly Bandit Strikes Again: MOTUS
Why Clowns Should Be Neutered: C&S
Girl quits her job on dry erase board, emails entire office: Chive

The Pelosi Democrats continue their purge of the party's black leadership: Three Beers Later
Iran in the Seventies: Ned Hardy
Middle Eastern businessmen arrested after crashing £180,000 Lamborghini in London square: Daily Mail (UK)

Images: Conservatoons
Sponsored by: Support J.D. Hayworth -- Oust John McCain (who voted to confirm Eric Holder)

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