Saturday, August 14, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: 70 Congressional Democrats Belong to Socialist Group

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email. You can also install a Larwyn's Linx blog widget.


70 Congressional Democrats Belong to Socialist Group: GWP
Obama Attacks Americans For Prosperity: RWN
The Maxine Waters Show: 'I Won't Cut a Deal!': Malkin

F*** Kool-Aid: No Sheeples Here
At DOJ, Military Voting Rights Hang in the Balance: Adams
Most Egregious Performance Ever by a District Judge: Bench Memos

HSINO: The $600 million Homeland Security In Name Only bill: Malkin
A Vicious Cycle of Dependency: RWN
The Stunning Decline of Barack Obama: BigGovt


The Summer of Our Recovery: MOTUS
ACORN Funding Ban Upheld By 2nd Circuit: Malkin
The Obvious Message of Jerry Brown's Pension: Simon

Federal Employees Continue to Prosper: Cato
Change: Caterpillar moves from IL to TX: BlogProf
Hindenburg Omen: Fear This: Reuters

Climate & Energy

Yet another Dem boondoggle on life support: AT
Obama's Land Grab: Malkin


Why We Can't All Get Along: AT
Patterico Vindicated on the Constitutionality of Stripping ACORN of Funding: Patterico
Journolist member, world's dumbest blogger, advocates lying: Driscoll

AP Teases Out Details Of Arab ‘Stabber’: S&L
Really? I Mean, F***ing Really?!?: DPU (Language warning)
Former SNL Cast Member Confirms What We Already Knew About Al Franken: Powers


Terror Ties: Ground Zero Imam Attended Hizb-ut Tahrir Conference : PJM
The Husseinization of Lower Manhattan: GoV
Islamists "Stealing" Ground Zero Are Following Muslim Tradition: YWL

Obama's Ground Zero Mosque: BigPeace
'Obama Defends Ground Zero Mosque Plans': Driscoll
Iran’s Holocaust Cartoons: The Latest in Holocaust Denial: PJM

Merkel's budget cuts worked: German economy grew at fastest pace in 20 years: TAB
Is Obama a f***ing moron, or is he criminally stupid? Or is he a f***ing criminal?: No Dhimmitude (mm, language warning)


Protestors Show Up At Google HQ To Demand Net Neutrality: Insider
Google defends Net neutrality proposal: CNet
Droid 2 Review: Engadget


Attempting the “Man vs. Food” Challenge at Orochon Ramen: Just a Guy Thing
Secret Origins: the Trailer: CBullitt
The Choice of Children: The Logic of Gay Marriage and Abortion: First Thoughts

Images: Big Journalism
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: 9/11 RALLY AT GROUND ZERO (Atlas)

QOTD: ' Oh No: Alvin Greene Indicted On Felony Obscenity Charge As Ben snarked: This could cost him the election.. Well, this could cost him the election, and all the lead paint chips he ate as a child, and a teenager, and an adult. ' -- Ace of Spades

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