Friday, August 13, 2010

Oh, Noes! Now Even Black Democrats Reconsidering Party Affiliation

And it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of Marxists.

Michelle Rena Jones cheered when candidates Barack Obama and Joe Biden visited south-central Michigan in 2008. She supported Mr. Obama that November along with a slate of Democrats, including Mark Schauer in the 7th congressional district.

Now, the 40-year-old is rethinking her lifelong support for the party. She has been without steady work for two years, lost her home and car and began receiving cash assistance from the state for the first time. This year, she says, "I'm willing to take a chance on something different."

Ms. Jones is part of an unmeasured, agitated mass: unemployed Americans who don't believe the Obama Administration and Congress have done enough to produce jobs. With elections coming up, their unease is especially troublesome for the Democrats, who control both chambers. [Ed: and have for four -- count 'em -- four long years.]

One of the busiest places in Albion is Michigan Works!—a work force development office that provides services for job seekers and employers... It is early in the morning but the building is full. Ms. Jones, who supported the Democratic slate in 2008, scrolls through job postings on a computer terminal. The mother of two now lives in public housing and is receiving $403-a-month public cash assistance while she waits for employment... One interview, for a job at the Michigan secretary of state's branch office, recently fell through simply because Ms. Jones couldn't get there. She has no car and there is no local public transportation. She was counting on her employment program to give her a ride. But the interview site in Kalamazoo, more than 50 miles away, is beyond the program limit... [Ed: note the public sector theme...]

...Susan Kruger, 51, is living on $1,300-a-month unemployment—well below the $41,000 a year she earned as a librarian before she lost her job in October. It's the first time she has been without a job in a library since she was 16. "I never thought I'd be out of work and I sure never thought I'd be out of work this long," she says...

The welfare state is collapsing as we speak. The public sector, at every level of government, must shrink in order for all of us to survive.

And all Americans -- African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Indian-Americans, Native Americans and every other form of hyphenated citizens -- must reject the Democrat Party that loves to divide us. Freedom is our watchword and hatred of slavery is our creed.

Hat tip: Ace o' Spades, via my bookmarks, via my muscle memory, via waaay too much time online.

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