Thursday, November 04, 2010

Another Blue State Success Story: Illinois to raise taxes 33% while vendors stop supplying prisons with supplies for non-payment

Mish points us to two ominous stories out of the crazily corrupt Democrat stronghold of Illinois, where the dead are known to vote and a guy named Blago appeared to sell a Senate seat.

Illinois has a $13 billion and growing deficit. The current backlog of bills approaches $6 billion. The state has not paid some suppliers for seven months. In response some vendors have stopped doing business with the state.

Please consider Another vendor quits doing business with Illinois

Records show the Illinois Department of Corrections was forced to scramble this week when a vendor refused to deliver foam food trays to Menard Correctional Center because it hadn’t been paid. Industrial Soap Co., which holds the master contract for the foam trays, “will not deliver due to delinquent invoices,” prison officials noted.

...The state is facing a $13 billion deficit that could grow larger by next year. The current backlog of bills is listed by Comptroller Dan Hynes at nearly $5.6 billion. The state owes at least one vendor for services dating back to March.

Earlier this year, a company that provides ammunition to help train new guards stopped delivering bullets because it was owed money. Another company that supplies eyeglass lenses also stopped shipping the stock until it was paid.

Furthermore, it would appear that a 33% tax hike is about to slam the state's taxpayers.

Illinois voters likely returned Governor Pat Quinn to office. Their reward will be a 33% tax hike, if Quinn gets his way.

The election is still undecided 2 days later. Quinn's lead is 16,000 or so out of over 3.6 million cast. Absentee ballots have yet to be counted. However, the math looks improbable for challenger Bill Brady.

The problem for Brady is he barely got 20% of the vote in a packed Republican primary. 80% of Republicans wanted someone else. Brady generated little enthusiasm, and none from me, except for one thing: He was not Quinn.

For most voters, that was not enough.

Chicago voted overwhelmingly for Quinn, 86% to 14% or so. His solution is to the mess is a proposal to raise state taxes by 33%.

Excellent. Illinois gets what it deserves, which is another Blue State Meltdown.

Here's a simple suggestion for the House GOP:

Not one dime more in federal dollars for California, Illinois and New York.

Let them fix their cluster****s on their own.


  1. California especially reminds me of a 20 something that overspends their income. They figure that their parents (AKA the Federal Government) will always be there to bail them out.
    Tough love is the remedy in both cases.

  2. New Hampshire has no sales or income tax and still one of the best school systems in the country. Go figure, huh?

  3. Anonymous2:21 AM

    I work in Illinois, live in another state;; I think it'll be time to work in my home state if they do this. I'm tired of paying for corruption and insane pensions and programs that don't work to make the state better, and in fact, make it worse.


  4. Anonymous2:53 AM


    We expect these Democratic Partisan fools to raise taxation, but what in the world was ILL thinking, in reelecting this disaster as GOV?

    Just like CALI and NY, these Democratic Partisan Fashion followers, many others on the UNION Dole, are totally insane.

    Don't they realize they are on the verge of bankrupting their States, thus nothing will be honored, nothing, no pensions, etc., in the future?

    And one of the MAJOR PROBLEMS we see in Cali and NY, is the folks who vote for this Democratic Partisan blindness, all eventually move to other STATES because they cannot afford the massive tax burden they created - then they VOTE DEMOCRAT again in the State they moved to - growing the mess.

  5. Anonymous3:18 AM

    HEY, did you hear, not only have Democrats foolishly chosen to stick with Reid, apparently PELOSI wants to stay in the game too!

    Pelosi Wants A Comeback?

    So not only have Democrats foolishly given NY State, the disastrous Cuomo Jr. of HUD fame, which began the mortgage meltdown. Not only did they choose BROWN in Cali, and another Democrat disaster in ILL, they seem lost in the idea that their offering is not connected to their massive - historic election losses.

    They are simply far worse off, then anyone originally imagined. Democrats are simply nuts.

    Utterly nuts.

    They would probably still advocate for the return of Corzine, McGreevy, Torricelli, etc.

    Seeing how they flock to the Clintons, we know they simply cannot be trusted ever again.

  6. Obama will just bail them out via executive order or via the "Departments". In case you have not noticed that is the way he bypasses alot of things.

    He has already used the EPA to seize refineries in Texas. Wonder why the price of gasoline is going up? A good part of that is we did not have the refining capacity to meet demand beforehand and now there are 3 less refineries doing so. Thank G_d Texas reelected Perry and Abbott who are suing the feds over this and Obamacare.

    Wonder why the price of beef is skyrocketing? The Department of the Interior via the BLM has told ranchers that they can no longer graze their animals on BLM land. No place to graze the animals=paying to feed them or cull the herds.

    The Obama regime has already planned for the courts upholding the Arizona immigration law by designating the whole border of New Mexico as a "wilderness area" which means no roads can be built there and the Border Patrol and INS can not enter it without permission because they might "damage" the wilderness. You think the Mexicans flowing across the border give a rip about it being a "wilderness"?

    That being said....

    Isn't it interesting New York, Illinois and California are going over a financial cliff while New Jersey is getting it's financial house in order.

    What is the difference between New York, Illinois and California and New Jersey?

    New York, Illinois and California are run by a very powerful Democratic party machine and the voters in those states are all still drinking the Kool-Aid or voting the way their union bosses tell them to.

    The people in New Jersey chose to quit drinking the Democrat Kool-Aid and chose reality over the "reality-based community".

    New Jersey is proving that even states that are deeply in debt can get their financial houses in order and can tell their greedy government workers and their unions to go to hell. It is and will be a painful process but it is what must be done in order to survive.

    New Jersey is doing that-New York, Illinois and California will keep spending like a 13 year old at the mall with their parents credit cards until the credit card company cuts them off then they will run to their Obamamessiah for cash so they can keep on spending.
