Friday, November 05, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: Harry Reid’s non-English-speaking voting bloc

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email. Bloggers: you can install a Larwyn's Linx blog widget!


Harry Reid’s non-English-speaking voting bloc: Malkin
About 2012: Riehl
The Scandal of Military Voter Disenfranchisement: PJM

America the Beautiful—Redux: CFP
The Down Ticket Tidal Wave: Ace
Brutally Crushing Progressives: RWN

Actually, I Do Have One More Thing To Say To Barney Frank: LegalIns
Surprise! Pelosi considering running for House minority leader: WZ
Surprise! Bag of Uncounted Ballots Found in CT: Ace


Watch the Other Hand: ProWis
When Did Obama Say Jobs Weren’t Coming Back?: AmSpec
California Dreamin': AT

Third Trend in Initial Unemployment Filings: The Healing Begins: Ace
Truth and Science and Facts vs. Unwashed Hillbillies: AT
AARP cites Obamacare, which it supported, for premium hikes: BlogProf

Climate & Energy

The Green Bubble Is About to Burst: AT
Nothing fishy at the EPA: Surber
19 Million Pounds Of CO2: SHN

NASA GISS being sued over FOIA failures: WUWT
More Green Layoffs: Surber
AGW Today: Stop Eating, You’re Lighting The Earth On Fire!: RWN


Liberals grope to explain 2010 for 2012: Patterico
Competing Visions: Belmont Club
It’s Unanimous, FOX Was More Balanced Than MSNBC: Verum Serum

Dan Rather on MSNBC: Mitch McConnell 'Wants to Cut Out Obama's Heart and Feed His Liver to the Dogs': NewsBusters
That Didn’t Take Long: Inversion Narrative Appears the Day After: PJM
The New Republic’s Sharia Whitewash: PJM (Bostom)

CBS News Paints Obama As Two-Face? Black Half Is Democrat, White Half Is Republican?: SHN
Results of the RJC's 2010 election polls: RJCHQ
Guerilla Politics (Kevin Drum Beclowns Himself): Mother Jones (Kevin Drum)


Defense: Dems dealt devastating defeat: Mudville
Former Guerrilla and Marxist Student Elected President of Brazil: NoisyRoom
Buenos Aires dispatch: Listening to the news: Fausta

Egyptians and Saudis Simulate War with Iran: PJM
Poor, Oppressed, Starving Palestinians to Get New Mall: WZ
Is this a visit or an invasion? "34 warships sent from US for Obama visit": MoneyRunner

For Liberals Who Just Got Scared: AT
The New Victory Caucus: Six Republican Iraq and Afghan War Veterans Elected to Congress: WZ
Righteous: Atlas


Verizon App Store Force-Feeding Is Near. You Can Barf, But You’ll Have To Swallow It: TechCrunch
T-Mobile Rolls Out “4G” Network To 6 Additional Cities, Sticks It To AT&T: TechCrunch
Images Could Change The Authentication Picture: DarkReading


Remarkable Prognostication: Ace
This Week in Quotes: RWN
The Rise and Fall of Chicago Heights: Volpe

Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Help Joe Miller's Recount Effort!

QOTD: "Trust me. I'm going to make sure this health care bill is never, ever, ever implemented." -- John Boehner

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Someone would actually link to the disastrous Riehl again?

    Seeking his laughable opinion on 2012?

    He was predictably wrong about all, during this Midterm.

    Following this unstable regret, will only guarantee more failure.

    He simply is as misguided as it gets.
