Saturday, November 06, 2010

High School Yearbook, 1942 -- When Everyone Was a Teabagger

Happened to spot a 1942 high school yearbook on an acquaintance's bookshelf and was fascinated by what I discovered therein. In short, patriotism -- Tea Party style patriotism -- was highlighted throughout, due in no small part to the attack on Pearl Harbor and the full-throated, national effort to save civilization.

Self-reliance, America's founding, and our country's exceptionalism were top of mind. Of course, this was before the teachers' unions and the federal government took hold, with an iron-fisted grip, of the educational system.

Today's Tea Party members are indistinguishable from the mainstream Americans of 1942.

And our challenges -- the destruction of the dollar, the acolytes of Alinsky in control of the Democrat Party, and the rise of Red China -- are no less daunting, only this time they come from without and from within.

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