Sunday, November 07, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: What do we do now?

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email. Bloggers: you can install a Larwyn's Linx blog widget!


What do we do now?: RATK
The Dialectic of Obama: AT (Lifson)
Allen West: Leftist Smears of Tea Party Racism Failed: WZ

The Midterms: Lessons Learned and the Way Forward: Palin
See? I'm not the only one who noticed the idiocy of the NRSC: ProWis
This ought to be good: ProWis

Glib Pasha Gets His Just Desserts: AT
Another Victory For Liberals: Democrats Held On To Jewish Vote: Ace
Pelosi and Clyburn want to be #1 and #2; Dems move further left?: PJM


Unemployment and the Missing 3.5 Million Workers: RWN
I’m getting a little tired of hearing about 'healthcare repeal': RWN
The 'Entitlement Sustainability & Constitutionality Act': BlogProf

McComrade Meal: Moonbattery
Senator-Elect Marco Rubio Delivers GOP Weekly Address: GWP
Island state--Dems won big, now must confront red ink: Press-Dem

Climate & Energy

The EPA's 'Climate Change' Tyranny: AT
Another letter from Hal Lewis to the American Physical Society: WUWT
Don't Tread on American Growth, Energy Security: AT

UN Links Weath And Happiness To Man-caused Global Warming: RWN
The Biofuels Scam: AT
$700,000 To Study Cow Burps Awarded To University Of New Hampshire: SHN


Free Keith: Watching MSNBC go off the rails: Z on TV
Inside the Cold Heart and Mind of a Political Strategist: Malkin
Dana Milbank: 'Would We Be Better Off Under a President Hillary Clinton?': NewsBusters

So wrong, so long: Pundette
Ego autem praeses: TigerHawk
Reason TV bids A Fond farewell To Keefums: Nice Deb

Fire the Media: AT (Lewis)
“Nancy Pelosi Should Remain As Leader of the House Democratic Caucus”: ProWis
Another Detroit Free Press scoop! Bristol Palin didn't mail her absentee ballot in time: BlogProf

The Obamorator: Riehl
Wednesday's Children: Hindenblog
Treasury Secretary Turns to Professional Clown for Advice: Moonbattery


In wake of Oklahoma anti-Sharia vote, Muslims having a hard time getting their story straight: JihadWatch
Islamic Terrorists Attempted to Use Dogs Implanted With Explosives to Bring Down Planes: Jawa
Lindsey Graham (R-Neocon) Says U.S. Should Consider “Neutering” Iranian Regime With Large Scale Military Attack: WZ

We Won -- Now What?: AT (Geller)
TX Congressman: Pentagon still hasn't admitted Islamic terrorism behind Ft. Hood Jihad massacre: JihadWatch
Tales from 57 States: His Obamaness Flees the Joust: AT (Cary)


Calculate How Much Damage An Asteroid Will Cause: Gizmodo
Home Robots Guard Houses: FuturePundit
Carrom Balance Board On Sale: Amazon


Michelle Obama Dances In Mumbai, India: SHN
The Best Angry 'Downfall' Parody Evah — Hitler Finds Out the GOP Has Retaken the House: AmPower
Matt Damon Does Matthew McConaughey: Damon

Image: Via PK.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Help Joe Miller in Alaska --- It's a Cliffhanger!

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